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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 6. Sept. 2024 · Durchbruch bei Korruptionsbekämpfung EU einigt sich auf neues Kontrollgremium. Seit Jahren wurde darum gerungen, jetzt hat es geklappt. Die EU will nach SPIEGEL-Informationen einen Rat zur ...

  2. Vor 5 Tagen · In fighting corruption, Lithuania is one of the European Union’s star pupils. Corruption is hard to measure; it is by nature secret. But Transparency International, a Berlin-based watchdog ...

  3. Vor einem Tag · Two former New York City Fire Department chiefs became the latest high-ranking city officials to be named in a series of federal investigations plaguing Mayor Eric Adams' administration. Anthony ...

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · Hotbed of corruption: Kenya’s elite have captured the state – unrest is inevitable. Gedion Onyango, London School of Economics and Political Science. Corruption in Kenya drains resources that...

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · The report takes on in-depth look at how corruption impacts government policies and operations, the fiscal costs, and how fiscal institutions can help fight corruption.

  6. Vor 5 Tagen · The government in Bratislava took several steps during the summer to further dismantle corruption-fighting institutions, triggering outrage from senior opposition figures, graft-busters and the Slovak public.

  7. Vor einem Tag · Simon van Hemert/Adobe Stock. Two now-retired chiefs from the New York City Fire Department were arrested early Monday morning following a yearlong corruption investigation, law enforcement ...