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  1. Bill Joy's greatest gift to man – the vi editor. "Out of all of Bill Joy's contributions to technology, users appear most fond of one of the simplest - the vi editor. Joy leaves a lasting legacy of work both in the general technology domain and at Sun Microsystems. Among Joy's list of achievements are BSD Unix, NFS, UltraSPARC ...

  2. Vor 2 Tagen · In 2000, Bill Joy, a prominent technologist and a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, voiced concern over the potential dangers of robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. In 2005, Kurzweil published The Singularity Is Near. Kurzweil's publicity campaign included an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · The first UNIX system developed at UC Berkeley was in 1974 for the PDP-11 minicomputer; the second system, 1BSD, was developed by then graduate student Bill Joy in 1977. BSD has gone through many changes over the years, and is currently available in version 4.4BSD.

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · In turn, Kaczynski was referenced by Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, in the 2000 Wired article "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us". Joy stated that Kaczynski "is clearly a Luddite, but simply saying this does not dismiss his argument".

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · He left Stanford five years later to set-up Sun Microsystems with Vinod Khosla, Scott McNealy and Bill Joy. The company sold shares in an initial public offering in 1986. The company sold shares ...

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · Vim – der die­ser Tage meist­ver­wen­de­te Nach­bau des BSD-Text­edi­tors vi – ist bekannt­lich ein Text­edi­tor mit reich­hal­ti­gem histo­ri­schem Bal­last; immer­hin gehen sei­ne Ursprün­ge auf die Arbeit von Bill Joy, Füh­rungs­fi­gur der frü­hen BSD-Ver­sio­nen, zurück.

  7. Vor einem Tag · Coaching Changes. BPI Game Predictions. Tickets. Jay Bilas grew up idolizing Bill Walton, who was larger than life on and off the court and he was about finding the joy in others.