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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Language. English. Border Brigands is a 1935 American Western film directed by Nick Grinde and written by Stuart Anthony. The film stars Buck Jones, Lona Andre, Fred Kohler, Frank Rice, Hank Bell and Edward Keane. The film was released on June 1, 1935, by Universal Pictures.

    • Overview
    • History
    • Government
    • Society
    • Notable Perils
    • Religion
    • Foreign Relations
    • Geography
    • Notable Locations

    The Border Princes,[1d] (singular: Border Principality[17a] or Border Kingdom[31a]) also known as the Borderlands,[1c] the Border Princedoms,[32a], Border Kingdoms,[17a], The Princes,[41a] and the Border Principalities,[33a] is a vast region within the Old World located between the Black Mountains and Black Fire Pass to the north and the shores of the Black Gulf to the south. This region of vast wilderness is home to a multitude of petty kingdoms of Men that were established by highly ambitious adventurers who sought to create a realm of their own. These adventurers were often political or religious refugees fleeing from other Human realms of the Old World such as the Empire, Bretonnia and Kislev.[1d]

    As such, these lands are infamous as the homes of a wide variety of bandits, mercenaries, cut-throats, pirates and other lawless fugitives.[1d] Following the Battle of Black Fire Pass, Human colonists and adventurers during the time of Sigismund the Conqueror led a campaign of conquest towards the Empire's southern borders and fought off the Greenskin tribes that used to inhabit the lands, clearing the way for many nobles and colonists from all across the lands of the Old World to colonise and claim patches of this territory as their own.[1b]

    Early History

    The lands of the Border Princes had always been a rugged and uncivilized wilderness since ages past. It is said that Nehekharans built settlements within these frontiers during the time of Settra the Great when he went into an all-conquering quest to take the Old World as his new domain.[1c] Legends say that in the first decades of the first century of the Imperial Calendar, it was the goddess Myrmidia who was born in Human form to reconquer much of those territories, her mission to unify the southern realms under a single banner begun, this domain was later known as the Reman Empire.[24a] It was during those times that Myrmidia discovered in the ancient city of Tinea texts penned by the Elf scholar Gaelen. She was intrigued by the complexity of the anatomical drawings found within, so passed them on to the cult of her mother, Verena. Over 2,000 years later, Gaelen's Anatomy is a primary medical textbook of the Empire, celebrated by the Tinean Fellowship.[23a] After the fall of Nehekharan Empire, the Border Princes now served as the location from which multiple Human tribes have migrated in order to escape the turmoil from the East, some settling within the lands itself while most ventured through Black Fire Pass.[1a] In former times, the Border Princes were largely inhabited by savage tribes of Greenskins, but now the land is fiercely disputed by the hardy human colonists and many Orc and Goblin tribes. Following the Battle of Black Fire Pass, Emperor Sigismund the Conqueror promptly invaded the lands and eradicated what remained of the Greenskin threat, eventually forming the Province of Lichtenberg in the process during the Sixth century IC. Yet, following the fall of Lichtenberg sometime later in the centuries, the lands would eventually become the frontiers from which new lands and new kingdoms shall form from the desperate, the corrupt, or just the plain adventurous.[1b]

    Official Formation

    During the Great Crusade Against Araby word reached Bretonnia that the war had been carried to Araby itself, another huge army of Knights began to gather to reinforce the crusade to assist King Louis the Righteous. The leaders could not decide whether to take ship in Estalia or march over me mountain into Tilea.[3a] There were several problems. Firstly, nearly all the ships in Estalian and Bretonnian ports had already sailed to Araby with the first army. Secondly, the nearest port of embarkation was Miragliano, but the mountain passes approaching it was infested with Skaven making the passage hazardous in the extreme. Furthermore, any large army passing in the vicinity of Skavenblight was certain to be decimated by plague. The third insurmountable problem was that the seas around the southern ports of Tilea were infested by pirates operating from Sartosa. Ultimately the deciding factor was the knights' great loathing of setting foot on the ship. They protested that this would tarnish their honour and upset the warhorses.[3a] It was finally decided to attempt to reach Araby by the long and hazardous land route to the east. This bold bur extremely perilous plan was the idea of Baron Tybalt du Bois de Balzac, who was immediately elected commander of the expedition.[3a] Tybalt pointed out that by going this way the Bretonnian Knights would join forces with contingents making their way south from the Empire and a contingent heading east from Tilea. These contingents would rendezvous at the Dwarf port of Barak Varr. Here they would have the option of enbarking on well built and sturdy Dwarf ships or marching along the coast of the Badlands. Many Knights approved of the latter route, relishing the opportunicy of punishing the land of Settra as well as invading Araby from the rear. The ambition and confidence of the Bretonnian Knights truly knew no bounds.[3a] Thus this second great crusading host marched east through the southern Empire, gathering more support as it went, and followed the old Dwarf roads across the Black Mountains. Beyond these they entered a new land and encountered Orc and Goblin tribes. The army battled against Orc and Goblin warbands every day as it pushed eastwards, but progress became very slow in the face of this heavy opposition.[3a] It took the army almost a year to reach the vicinity of the Dwarf Stronghold of Barak Varr. Here the Bretonnians received word that Louis had defeated the forces of Sultan Jaffar in a decisive victory at Al Haikk, the war was over. Deeply saddened that they could not experience the riches and honour of the Crusades, the army of young knights prepared for a long trek home.[3a] Never to be put off by minor setbacks, the ingenious Baron Tybalt pointed out to his army that they were already upon the threshold of a new land to be conquered. There was honour and riches to be had by carving out domains for themselves within this new land. All that needed to be done was to vanquish the Orcs and Goblins. After such long hardships, this was exactly what the knights wanted to hear, and they set about the task with impetuous enthusiasm.[3a] Once in the Border Princes they drove the Greenskins into the Blood River and butchered them, and set about building great castles to hold back any future attacks. Thus the region that has become known as the domains of the Border Princes came into existence, and the ancestors of many of the Border Princes who rule there to this day were among those knights who followed Tybalt.[3a]

    Age of Three Emperors

    The long civil war in the Empire of Man remembered as the Age of Three Emperors was good for the Border Princes, and many exiled nobles found new allies within its boundaries. Men like Karl Raachwald, the "Hermit Prince," or Lord Gunter Dunkelmund, the "Broken King," formerly of Reikland and Middenland respectively, made good money recruiting veteran soldiers from the region for their Imperial patrons. Equally, the so-called Prince Jurgen Esselhafen, the "Lord of Paupers," fought proxy wars in the name of Marienburg, his task being to keep southern ports open for illegal trade.[34a] The Empire was far from the only nation of the Old World to benefit from the rogues inhabiting the Border Princes. Exiled Bretonnian knights such as Sir Cecile Gastonne, the "Black Knight," Adalene Monteaux, the "Cursed Maid of Mousillon," or Sir Julien Pontenne, "the Craven," were all known to give shelter and aid to Bretonnian knights questing in the south.[34a] Some Border Princes were even more brazen when it came to their mercenary nature, such as the Tilean Prince Fredo Tordorno, known as the "Bastard Prince," or Karolina Aquilena, the "Slayer of Queens." Estalian princes, such as Desa Donalba, the "Bloody Baron," or Lord Fulma Ortegeta, "Don of the Red River," were barely more trustworthy, and only when dealing with their own kind.[34a] Then there were outsiders like the Kislevite Boyar Valdos Uvetovsk, "the Oath-breaker," or the Norscan Jarl Skallagrison, the "Thane of Crows," men best avoided for the dark deeds they were purported to have indulged in.[34a]

    The regional rulers which have staked a claim within these lands are known collectively as Border Princes, hence where the land gets it name. Each prince would rule a small realm, which have the prestigious and over-exaggerated title of Principality, yet it is usually a realm that would barely qualify as a Knight's fief in more civilised lands.[1f]

    Most princes have a court, a group of hangers-on who help the prince to run his principality in return for rewards or until they have enough clout to murder him and take over. The size of the court does increase with the size of the principality, but the relationship is quite weak; it is much more dependent on the personality of the prince. A large court tends to indicate a weak prince who feels the need for support. A very small or non-existent court also tends to indicate weakness in that the prince feels he cannot allow anyone else to have real power. Large and small courts are very common in the Border Princes.[1e]

    The overwhelming majority of communities in the Border Princes are small. Outside the principalities, there are no communities larger than a hamlet, and the largest settlements of the region would only count as small towns in the more civilised parts of the Old World. While the Border Princes are rarely models of good government, they do, on the whole, provide some security to their subjects. They are, in short, better than nothing, and in the Borderlands, “nothing” is clearly visible a few miles away. Hence, most people living in the region live in one or another of the principalities, and all the larger settlements are found there.[1g]

    Most principalities contain a large number of villages.[1h] Outside the boundaries of these petty fiefdoms, there are no towns between each individual principalities. There are not many villages, either, but there are quite a lot of homesteads. Homesteads often dot many regions within the Border Princes and are usually home to but a single family of farmers.[1i] Communities in the Border Princes have many features in common with communities elsewhere; homes of varying quality, a Temple or Shrine to the locally favoured God, a marketplace, probably a mill, and so on. One feature that sets communities in this region apart is the level of fortification. There are no undefended communities, and all villages have at least an earth and wood rampart with a gate that is guarded at all times. Within these fortifications, homes are generally built to be defensible. It is common for the entrance to be on the first floor, for example, and for the ground floor to have solid stone walls or thick earth ramparts with no openings. There are, of course, other equally dangerous regions of the Old World, but the Borderlands is more extensive than most of them.[1i]

    Communities also have distinguishing features. Some of these are pure colour, as far as adventurers are concerned. Perhaps the blacksmith is very fat, or the villagers are particularly devout worshippers of Sigmar.[1i]

    Paper is a rare good in the Border Princes, rarer even than parchment, for want of factories where discarded linen might be collected and pulped; all the paper which made its way to a city like Khypris had originated in Tilea.[8a]

    The Borderlands are full of perils. War, plague, famine — these kill many of the inhabitants long before their time. The inhabitants of the region rarely worry about these threats, however. They are far too busy worrying about the monsters. Some scholars have speculated that the Borderlands have no more monsters than any other region of the Old World but that the absence of government makes them bolder, making the monsters seem more numerous. Scholars who have actually been to the Border Princes know that this is ridiculous; the inhabitants of more civilised areas might think that their actions have no effect on the number of foul creatures plaguing them, but these scholars know better. Without organised hunts, monsters in the Borderlands are far more numerous, and bolder, than elsewhere.[1j]

    Greenskins are the most common monsters in the Borderlands, outnumbering all the others put together. This is a constant reminder these lands were taken step by bloody step from the Greenskins in the first place and that the lands just across the Blood River are controlled by these creatures. All kinds of Greenskins can be found in the Border Princes, though Hobgoblins. Orcs are, of course, dominant, though they are probably outnumbered by the weaker races of Greenskins. The largest Greenskin lairs are about the same size as the largest Human towns, making them a major threat to any nearby communities.[1n]

    Beastmen are the most common of the creatures of Chaos and make up the bulk of such monsters in the Borderlands. Many of them serve other creatures, but most bands of Beastmen are still led by Beastmen, who often allow a small number of Mutants to join them. These Mutants are generally in a very inferior position, but they are allowed to live and eat as long as they are useful, which is a step up from their treatment in civilised society. Beastmen always aim at raiding the surrounding country. They are not interested in settled rulership and are far too aggressive to think of keeping to themselves.[1n]

    The Undead are another common meanace found in the Border Princes, though they are not as widespread as they are in areas such as Sylvania in the Empire. Some Undead are associated with ancient ruins. Others are independent of such relics of the past, though they may have escaped from them at some point.[1n]

    Priests have many advantages when it comes to spread their cults or establishing their own principalities in the Borderlands. First, they have divine backing in the form of miracles, which gives them a vital edge in conflicts. Second, they find it easy to draw fanatically loyal followers, men and women who follow the priest as the voice of the God. Third, they can get institutional support from their faiths, giving them the required capital.[1p]

    However, there are very few such princes. The main reason is that the majority of priests have better things to do with their time than carve a petty realm out of some of the most undesirable real estate in the Old World. Martial priests can fight in wars that matter, scholarly priests stay somewhere with books, and ambitious priests scheme for positions with real power in a real country. Accordingly, most of those who head for the Borderlands are lacking in real talent and, thus, lacking in the ability necessary to create and maintain a principality.[1p]

    The few exceptions generally feel a special calling from their God, which further strengthens their advantages. The competent priests who head to the Borderlands often succeed. They organise their principalities in a similar way to the Temples and military orders of their Cult, and they generally do not claim any titles other than the ones granted by the Cult hierarchy. A few megalomaniacal exceptions claim to be the God incarnate, of course, but most such lunatics try their luck in realms such as the Empire.[1p]

    The most common deity is Myrmidia, as the challenge of establishing a firm bulwark against the Greenskins appeals to them. Sigmarites are also surprisingly common. For them, it is the feeling that they are taking the fight to their God’s ancient enemies that motivates them. Ulricans are not uncommon in the region, but they rarely set up principalities; they prefer wandering and taking the fight wherever it needs to go.[1p]

    The less martial deities are far less represented. priests of Taal and Rhya have a presence, trying to preserve wildernesses in one of the less settled regions of the Old World. A few priests of Manann set up along the coast, but the land-based portions of their domains tend to be very small. At sea, it is a different matter. Individual priests of the other deities may establish a theocracy to fulfil some perceived command of their God, but there would be no more than one across the whole region.[1p]

    Maybe due to their disdain with violence there are no principalities headed by priestesses of Shallya.[1p]


    Many of the Border Princes are descended from Bretonnian knights who fought in King Charlen’s Errantry War against the Greenskins, a war that lasted 68 years and ended only 34 years ago. These knights did not leave in disgrace, and some still owe fealty to nobles back in Bretonnia, though given the barrier of The Vaults, this is almost purely notional.[18a] The Bretonnian Border Princes tend to see themselves as Bretonnian and as maintaining honour, as opposed to the opportunists who make up the other petty princedoms. This has made Bretonnians in general unpopular with all the other inhabitants of the region.[18a]

    The Empire

    To the south and southwest of the Empire, the lands of the Border Princes have long been both a thorn in the side of the Empire and a safety valve for its malcontents. The princes and petty lords of this land must deal with frequent raids by Orcs and Goblins, some of which are large bands trying to reach the Empire. The local rulers fear that, if the Greenskins raise enough trouble in the Empire, then the Elector Counts of the southern Grand Provinces may decide that the time to reannex these lands has come.[25c]

    The geography of the Border Princes is defined by rugged terrain and natural barriers that isolate it from the more civilised regions to the west. Situated east of the Tilean city-states and separated from the peninsula by the Apuccini Mountains, it is bounded by the Black Mountains to the north, the Worlds Edge Mountains to the east, and the Black Gulf to the south, forming a wide rectangle. This geographic isolation contributes to the distinctiveness of the region, which is largely wilderness with only limited areas of fertile land.[8c]

    The landscape of the Border Princes is generally unforgiving, with poor soil even in the valleys where rivers flow. Woodlands are dominated by short, thorny trees, often forming dense and impassable undergrowth. Eastern areas are plagued by Goblin incursions, and hill regions harbour mutants, believed by some to be the offspring of Humans and Daemons of Chaos.[8c]

    Communication and transportation infrastructure in the Border Princes are poor, consisting of rudimentary roads and challenging rivers. This limits the size of territories each prince can effectively control and hinders cooperation between the scattered towns. Despite the limitations, there is a constant drive for expansion driven by population growth and the need for more farmland. Expansion, however, is hindered by the inhospitable terrain and the resistance of outlying farming communities.[8c]

    The harsh conditions breed resilient and wary inhabitants, both among the ruling class and the defenders of the land. Men-at-arms stationed in outlying areas must not only fend off external threats but also manage the resentment of the populace against distant rulers.[8c]

    Countless bands of Orcs, from whom the River Orco, which divides the Border Princes to the north and flows into the Lagoon of Tears, takes its name, roam the war-torn countries. In addition, the Hobgoblin mercenary general Ghazak Khan and various green-skinned mercenary gangs like Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz have their camps in this region.

    To the south, the rulers of Luccini secured their northern border against all these threats in the Border Princes with the erection of the mighty fortress of Monte Castello. This huge fortification -- always manned by the best Tilean mercenaries -- not only guards the land route to Luccini from the Border Princes; the fortress on the Bay of Wrecks can also block the entrance from the Black Gulf into the Lagoon of Tears. Many armies of marauding Orcs and Goblins were stopped, repulsed and smashed at Monte Castello before they could invade Tilea proper. On the other hand, many of the mercenary knights come to Tilea from the Border Princes to seek employment in the city-states, such as Voland's Venators or similar heavy cavalry units.[16a]


    •Forest of Gloom - A forest near the Vaults.[10a] •Kharnos Forest - A forest between Tilea and the Border Princes.[10a] The dense forests that rise from the rugged coast of the Lagoon of Tears into the Apuccini Mountains are home to brigands and outlaws beyond number.[27a] •Hvargir Forest - A forest near the Vaults.[10a]

    Maritime Locations

    •Bay of Wrecks - Though seemingly deep and tranquil, the waters of the Bay of Wrecks conceal jagged rocks that claim many vessels.[27a] •Black Gulf - A vicious sea that is notoriously difficult to navigate. Only the Dwarfs can trundle up and down the straits with constant regularity, as their ships' iron hulls and steam-driven paddles are somewhat immune to the ripping tides and deadly currents that swirl underneath the dark water. That's not to say the ships of other races cannot sail upon the Black Gulf, but they must be master seamen to do so, or else they will find their vessels quickly torn asunder.[19a]


    •Apuccini Mountains - Mountain range that divides South Tilea from the Borderlands. •Black Mountains - Mountain range that divides the Empire from the Borderlands.[40a] •The Vaults - Mountain range that divides North Tilea from the Borderlands, Bretonnia and the Empire.

  2. In particular, I wanted to try using the units for Bretonnian Exiles: Outcast Wizard, Border Princes Bombard and Border Princes Brigands. I seem to be unable to find where to acquire these models from. Were these published for WFB? Are we meant to proxy them for now? I've seen posts in this subreddit showing off WIP photos of ...

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  4. 10. Juli 2020 · Buck Jones, nome artístico de Charles Frederick Gebhart, (Vincennes, Indi-ana, 12 de dezembro de 1891 - Boston, Massachusetts, 30 de novembro de 1942) foi ...

    • 56 Min.
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  5. › Border-Brigands-Buck-Jones › dpBorder Brigands -

    9. Juli 2015 · Border Brigands : Buck Jones, Lona Andre, Fred Kohler, Frank Rice, Hank Bell, Edward Keane, J. P. McGowan, Gertrude Astor, Silver, Nick Grinde: Movies & TV

    • DVD
  6. Border Brigands is a thrilling Western film starring Buck Jones as a rugged cowboy trying to protect his land and the people who live on it from a ruthless gang of bandits. The film was released in 1935 and has become a classic American Western film that has inspired other Western movies and TV shows.