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  1. Notice. 03-26 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conc tetur adipi scing.; 03-26 Refer them to lead the teachers and students view Taiwan's small and pure and fresh "jue's vocal band"

    • History of GXAI

      In 1960, guangxi YiZhuan renamed, guangxi arts college by...

  2. 广西艺术学院新闻网. 05-24 云南大学新闻学院院长廖圣清教授受邀到影视与传媒学院开展“中…; 05-24 喜报:影视与传媒学院2个基层党支部成功入选首批广西艺术学院…

  3. It has an affiliated middle school. The institute offers 13 undergraduate programs and 42 majors. The programs include fine arts, painting, sculpture, advertisement, animation, art design, musicology, composition and composition theories, dance, dance choreography, dance performance, and broadcasting and anchoring.

  4. 广西艺术学院Guangxi Arts University),简称“广艺”,位于广西壮族自治区 南宁市 ,由国家文化和旅游部与广西壮族自治区人民政府共建,是广西一流学科建设高校,是教育部确定的全国31所独立设置的本科艺术院校之一,是全国6所省(区)属综合性艺术院校之一, [40] 入选国家中西部高校基础能力建设工程、新工科研究与实践项目、教育部本科教学评估优秀高校、国家级特色专业建设高校,是广西特色优势高校、广西博士单位立项建设高校。 是教育部批准的具有推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士研究生资格高校。 [1-3]

  5. In 1960, guangxi YiZhuan renamed, guangxi arts college by promoted to become four-year-undergraduate universities in the college, with fine arts, music, drama and technical secondary school,...

  6. 19. Mai 2023 · 广西艺术学院位于广西壮族自治区首府南宁市是全国七所综合性普通本科高等艺术院校之一。 现为国家文化和旅游部与广西壮族自治区人民政府共建高校,教育部本科教学评估优秀高校,广西特色优势高校,广西博士单位立项建设高校,国家中西部高校基础能力建设工程高校。...

  7. Address: No.100,East Daxue Road,Xixiangtang District,Nanning, Guangxi,China. Postal Code: 530004. Tel: 86-771-3238863. Email: International Cooperation and Exchange Department. Guangxi University has a long tradition in art education. When Mr. Ma Junwu served as the first president in 1928, he strongly ...