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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Graham focuses on the social and sexual origins and implications of rock and roll, and his historical reconstruction provides a framework for the interpretation of the rituals of rock and punk culture as forms of religious practice.

  2. Rock My Religion is a (1984) no wave experimental art film by Dan Graham. It's also the title of a collection of essays written by Dan himself from 1965 to 1990.

  3. Rock My Religion, 1982-1984. Farbe und S/W, Ton, U-Matic, NTSC, 55:27 Min. Inv. Nr. V-1995-27. Sammlung: Kunst der Gegenwart | Audio/Video. BPK Fotobestellung.

  4. In it, the artist analysed the most intellectualised practices of punk-rock that had emerged in New York in the second half of the 1970s, including Patti Smith, who, according to Graham, was ‘the first to expose the truth that rock is a religion’.

  5. Artikel. Magazin: Publikationen. von Jochen Becker. · S. 430 - 429. Dan Graham. »Rock My Religion« Dan Grahams cross-over aus Recherche, Poptheorie und genrelosem Produzieren verhalf ihm zum Geheimtip-Status bei frei vagabundierenden Kunstakademieabbrechern.

  6. »Rock my Religion« Dan Grahams Schriften. Wer Lust auf geheime Geschichten verspürt, ist bei Dan Graham an der richtigen Adresse.

  7. Dan Graham: Rock My Religion. 1982-84, 55:27 min, b&w and color, sound. Rock My Religion is a thesis on the relation between religion and rock music in contemporary culture. Graham formulates a history that begins with the Shakers, an early religious community who practiced self-denial and ecstatic trance dances.