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  1. 10. Feb. 2022 · War is not the only arena where violence may be used for political coercion. LWD 1 notes: [a]ll war is conflict, yet not all conflict is termed war, with the spectrum extending from ‘no conflict’ situations – like humanitarian relief – up to and including ‘total war’ between states. This reaffirms that conflict, at any level, is a ...

  2. The work first defines what military theory is. Military theory is a field of study that seeks to understand the phenomena of war and its links to wider conflict; and provides a framework for the valid creation and dissemination of the knowledge of war and warfare. In other words, military theory is the epistemology of war. This definition ...

  3. 1. Aug. 2024 · However, the war in Ukraine has seen the first large-scale deployment of smaller drones by both Ukrainian and Russian forces for real-time intelligence gathering and direct combat engagements, illustrating the tactical versatility of these systems in contemporary conflicts [4]. This unprecedented use of drones on a large scale in Ukraine offers valuable lessons for Australia. Understanding ...

  4. War will resume its place as the great decider of which societies endure and which disappear. This is a more violent and decisive future, and one the ADF and Australian society have not experienced since the Second World War. It is also a kind of war that the ADF is not prepared for culturally, intellectually, socially or materially.

  5. The British operation in Sierra Leone is regarded as a rare success for Western military intervention. In the popular narrative, British paratroopers deployed to Freetown over a weekend and, through a mix of professionalism, organisation and chutzpah, ‘[saved] the UN from disaster and [hastened] the end of an exceptionally nasty war.’

  6. ervation – experience, experiment, practice and application. For militaries, such empirical experience only comes f. om war, meaning militaries would have to be constantly at war. However, theory allows military practitioners to underst. nd conflict before any ‘practical application’ must occur. It is theory, specifi.

  7. Soviet-Afghan War, and aimed to provide better combined-arms effects by grouping armour, infantry, and artillery arms into one unit permanently. While this ostensibly meant that these elements could train together to provide mutual support, rather than occasionally practice together on field exercises, it created other issues. This approach ...

  8. “My past is an armour I cannot take off, no matter how many times you tell me the war is over.” - unknown Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often thought to have arisen with the advent of mechanised warfare—think shell shock and the First World War—but the examination of ancient texts offers sufficient evidence that PTSD may be as old as the act of war itself.

  9. Introduction. A cursory perusal of the Principles of War listed in Army Training Memorandum No. 53 (February — March, 1948), may lead to the supposition that the Chiefs of Staff in the United Kingdom have altered some of the old principles and introduced some new ones. Reflection, however, will show that all they have done is to re-state the ...

  10. 19. Nov. 2019 · The 2019 Chief of Army’s History Conference, barely a century beyond the end of the Great War, will be one more opportunity to engage with events of the collective past retold in the present. It will provide a well we can draw from to keep the garden of our minds fertile and maintain the objectivity in our collective experience.

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