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  1. The film is set in Turkey and Greece with the main characters of Tintin, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus searching for a treasure after inheriting a ship called the Golden Fleece. The film was followed by a less successful sequel, Tintin and the Blue Oranges.

  2. 18. Juli 2010 · Writers: André Barret and Rémo Forlani. Colour, 94 mins. Plot: Captain Haddock receives a letter at Marlinspike informing him that Paparanic, one of his old shipmates, is dead and has left him a ship, the "Golden Fleece". Tintin and the Captain travel to Istanbul to collect the vessel from the port.

  3. The first movie based on Hergé's character Tintin begins when Temistocle Paparanic, an old friend of Captain Haddock, dies and he inherits Paparanic's ship, "La Toison d'or" or "The Golden Fleece". Tintin and Haddock travel to Istanbul to collect it, only to find that its a worthless-looking wreck. However, soon a certain Anton Karabine offers ...

  4. Tintin and the Golden Fleece (in French:Tintin et le mystère de la Toison d'Or), is a Live-Action Adaptation of the famous Tintin comics. Released in December of 1961, it stars Jean-Pierre Talbot as Tintin, and Georges Wilson as Captain Haddock.

  5. Tintin and the Golden Fleece is a film first released in France on 6 December 1961. Featuring characters from The Adventures of Tintin comic book series written and drawn by the Belgian...

  6. Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece. In Tintin's first-ever live-action adaptation Captain Haddock sets sail to Istanbul, accompanied by our cow-licked hero and his cohorts. There they collect a strange bounty from the late Captain Paparanic: a rusty old ship called the Golden Fleece.

  7. This 1961 live-action film follows the young globe-trotting adventurer Tintin. In an original tale, Tintin and comical best friend Captain Haddock journey to Istanbul to receive a ship they have inherited in a will. They arrive to find an old rust-bucket of a boat.