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  1. Francesco Filelfo war ein italienischer Gelehrter und Humanist der Renaissance, der in verschiedenen Städten und Ländern lehrte und wirkte. Er schrieb lateinische und italienische Werke, darunter Satiren, Reden, Gedichte und eine Biographie Petrarcas.

  2. Francesco Filelfo (1398-1481) was an Italian Renaissance humanist and author of the philosophic dialogue On Exile. He taught Latin and Greek literature in various Italian cities, and was a friend and rival of Leonardo da Vinci.

  3. 6. Mai 2021 · Of all the major humanists of the Italian Renaissance, Francesco Filelfo (b. 1398–d. 1481) probably has the worst reputation. In his own day he was reviled for being jealous, vain, and greedy, and his modern biographers repeat the same criticisms and add a few others, such as an exaggerated self-assurance that approached narcissism.

  4. 28. Okt. 2022 · Filelfo was not a systematic philosopher, yet his works are an apt illustration of the ways in which Quattrocento humanists negotiated the return of the Greek legacy in the West. Filelfo himself brought numerous manuscripts of ancient Greek philosophical texts from...

  5. Investigating the oeuvre of the Italian humanist Francesco Filelfo (1398-1481), this collection is the first to make extensive use of the critical editions of Filelfo’s numerous writings – in particular of his Epistolarium, published in 2016 by Jeroen De Keyser, who also edited this volume.

  6. Francesco Filelfo at the court of Milan (1439-1481): A contribution to the study of Humanism in Northern Italy. By Rudolf George Adam. D.Phil, University of Oxford, 1974. Abstract: The last comprehensive biography on Francesco Filelfo was written well over one hundred and fifty years ago.

  7. 5. Juni 2012 · The Italian humanist Francesco Filelfo (1398–1481) was born in Tolentino, in the Marches, and spent his early years studying in Padua and Venice. From 1421 to 1427 he was in Constantinople, where he acquired a Byzantine wife, an impressive haul of manuscripts of Greek classical works and a solid knowledge of the Greek language.