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  1. › wiki › SirmiumSirmium – Wikipedia

    Sirmium ( altgriechisch Σίρμιον Sirmion) war eine wichtige Stadt auf der Balkanhalbinsel. Sie war Hauptstadt der römischen Provinzen Pannonia inferior, später Pannonia secunda, Zentrum der Präfektur Illyricum und Sitz der Bischöfe von Sirmium. Die historische Landschaft Syrmien zwischen Save und Danuvius ( Donau) wurde nach dieser ...

  2. › wiki › SirmiumSirmium - Wikipedia

    Sirmium was a city in the Roman province of Pannonia, located on the Sava river, on the site of modern Sremska Mitrovica in the Vojvodina autonomous province of Serbia. First mentioned in the 4th century BC and originally inhabited by Illyrians and Celts , [1] it was conquered by the Romans in the 1st century BC and subsequently became the capital of the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior .

  3. Sremska Mitrovica ( serbisch - kyrillisch Сремска Митровица; deutsch veraltet Syrmisch-Mitrowitz oder Mitrowitz, kroatisch Srijemska Mitrovica, ungarisch Szávaszentdemeter) ist eine serbische Stadt in der Vojvodina am nördlichen Ufer des Flusses Save, die auf dem Siedlungsgebiet der antiken byzantinischen Stadt Sirmium liegt.

  4. 9. Apr. 2019 · Dazu untersuchte das Forscherteam Schrift- und Materialquellen mit Bezug zum spätantiken Sirmium, sowohl direkt aus Sirmium als auch aus anderen Teilen des Römischen Reiches. Im schriftlichen Erbe wurden die christliche Prosopografie in Sirmium sowie die dortigen christlichen Bräuche (Askese) analysiert. Zu den untersuchten Materialquellen ...

  5. 13. Juli 2021 · Sirmium Imperial Palace history. The ancient Roman settlement of Sirmium was founded in the 1st century AD and grew to become one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire. Indeed, by the end of the 3rd century Sirmium had become one of four designated capitals of the Empire. The city was a major centre of trade and home to many of the ...

  6. › arch-ologische-fundst-tten › sirmiumSirmium - Serbia

    Sremska Mitrovica, eine Stadt im Norden von Serbien, bewahrt unter ihren Straßen und Plätzen die Spuren der antiken Stadt Sirmium. Sirmium war ein wichtiges Handelszentrum, eine der Hauptstädte des Reiches sowie die Geburtsstadt von 5 römischen Kaisern: Decius Traianus, Aurelian, Aureliana, Probus, Maximilan Hercules und Gratian.

  7. › story › sirmium-archeologicalSirmium — Google Arts & Culture

    22. Juni 2010 · Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Serbia. 3D reconstruction of the Imperial Palace of Sirmium (2016/2017) by ARCHEST Project Archeological Sites of Serbia. The City of Sirmium was mentioned for the first time in the 4th century BC as a settlement predominantly populated by Illyrians and Celts. The Romans invaded the region in the ...

  8. 21. Mai 2024 · The remains of the Roman Sirmium are located below Sremska Mitrovica, a small city on the Sava river, about 70 km west of Belgrade. The Roman city was founded in the 1st century on the site of indigenous settlements. Sirmium became a Roman colony in 89, during the reign of Emperor Domitian. In the following period, it was the capital of the province of Lower Pannonia and at the beginning of ...

  9. 9. Apr. 2019 · Taking Sirmium to the international stage The CHRISLAS team is contributing to a project, coordinated by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Sremska Mitrovica, to restore and present to the public an archaeological find retrieved during excavations in 2016. The artefact is a painted tomb with Christian imagery and iconography of the Good Shepherd, a widespread trope in early ...

  10. › culture › archaeological-sitesSirmium - Serbia

    Sremska Mitrovica, a city in Northern Serbia, preserves the ruins of the ancient city of Sirmium underneath its streets and squares. Once a major commercial hub and one of the Roman Empire’s capitals, Sirmium was the birthplace of as many as 5 Roman emperors: Traianus Decius, Aurelian, Probus, Maximianus Herculius and Gratian.This once-powerful Roman city, founded in the 1 st century, was ...

  11. 13. Dez. 2023 · Roman Sirmium is located beneath modern day Sremska Mitrovica on the River Sava. Once a major Roman city, it was destroyed by the Avars. New book recounts the story of a local saint, long forgotten. In AD 294, Sirmium was proclaimed one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire and allotted to the emperor Galerius.

  12. 6. Feb. 2021 · Explore this 360° video of the Roman archaeological site Sirmium in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia - the famous Roman imperial palace (Carska palata), from where ...

  13. SIRMIUM (Sremska Mitrovica) Yugoslavia. The modern city covers the site of Sirmium on the Sava river, ca. 76 km W of Belgrade (Singidunum). The Roman town was founded in the late 1st c. B.C. on the site of an earlier Pannonian settlement. It is mentioned first in history in accounts of the Pannonian-Dalmatian rebellion of the 1st c. A.D.

  14. Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) Sirmium: Roman city and river port in Pannonia. The city became an imperial residence and is identical to modern Sremska Mitrovica. Sirmium is situated on the northern bank of the Savus (modern Sava), about seventy kilometers west of the place where this river empties itself into the Danube, at Singidunum (modern ...

  15. Photinus von Sirmium. Photinus von Sirmium (griechisch Photeinos [1], eingedeutscht Photin; * in Ancyra; † 376) war Bischof von Sirmium und vertrat eine als Häresie verurteilte Lehre, nach der Jesus ein von Gott zu seinem Sohn erhobener Mensch war ( Adoptianismus ).

  16. Sirmium war eine wichtige Stadt auf der Balkanhalbinsel. Sie war Hauptstadt der römischen Provinzen Pannonia inferior, später Pannonia secunda, Zentrum der Präfektur Illyricum und Sitz der Bischöfe von Sirmium. Die historische Landschaft Syrmien zwischen Save und Danuvius wurde nach dieser antiken Stadt benannt. Die Fundstätte liegt innerhalb der heutigen Stadt Sremska Mitrovica, die zur ...

  17. 20. Dez. 2017 · Sirmium - heute Sremska Mitrovica in Serbien. Die Fahrt in den Norden sollte uns diesmal über Skopje, Nis und Belgrad entlang der Hauptroute E 75 oder A1 / E 70 über den Balkan in das serbische Vojvodina führen, neben dem uns bisher unbekannten Campingplatz Zasavica auch in die Stadt Sremska Mitrovica, das einst Standort eines römischen ...

  18. Sirmium was an important centre of Christianity in the Balkans. The seat of the bishopric was here, the first bishop known by name was Irenaeus, murdered during the Diocletian persecution. City in the 4th century CE became a major centre of Arianism. Five synods were held here in 347, 351, 357, 358, 375, or 378 CE.

  19. Sremska Mitrovica is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Archaeologists have found a trace of organized humanlife dating from 5000 BC onwards. Ionianjewellery dating to 500BC was excavated in the city. When the Romansconquered the city in the 1st century BC, Sirmium already was a settlement with a long tradition.

  20. Schlacht bei Sirmium. 8. Juli 1167. In der Schlacht bei Sirmium besiegte am 8. Juli 1167 das byzantinische Heer unter Andronikos Kontostephanos das ungarische Heer unter Dénes, Graf von Bács. Dadurch musste Ungarn im Frieden von Belgrad Dalmatien und Kroatien abtreten.