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  1. Finde den perfekten Namen für deinen Assassinen-Charakter mit unserem Generator. Unser Tool generiert eine zufällige Auswahl an weiblichen oder männlichen Namen.

    • Cool & Badass Names For Male & Female Assassins
    • Famous Fictional Assassins
    • Famous Real Life Assassins
    • Badass Aliases & Cool Code Names For Assassins
    • Your Thoughts on Assassin names?

    First Names for Female Assassins

    There are a slew of epic names for female assassins and aliases for them in other lists in this article, but I had to include a section dedicated to some of my favourites that don’t necessarily fit into other categories. As a heads up, some of the unisex names for assassins might strike your fancy if you’re looking for female assassin names so check that out too, along with skimming the other categories to see if they have something that works out for you. If I personally had to choose one or...

    First Names for Male Assassins

    As with the names for female assassins – the remainder of this article is littered with male assassin names that are also really great, but I had to include a list of male assassin names that don’t fit into any particular category as well. The unisex assassin names section might also carry the perfect name for a male assassin you’re trying to name as well, so do take a moment to check through that list, plus at least a quick browse through the other sections, if you’re looking for a male assa...

    Unisex First Names for Assassins

    As I mentioned in the intro to this post, I actually think it might be a pretty cool plot twist to use a unisex name, where it’s implied that an assassin or everyone happens to think a particular assassin is a gender due to it’s most common usage, then when the assassin is met, he or she happens to be the opposite gender of what was originally thought. Take a mysterious assassin named “Jordan” who turns out to be a girl, or an assassin named “Rene” who turns out to be a man when you finally g...

    Of course, you can always name an assassin after another famous fictional assassin. If you’re naming a video game character, this would be super cool to do if you have the ability to alter the appearance of your character to look a bit more like the famous fictional assassin. It would also be kind of an interesting plot element if you’re writing a ...

    If you like the idea of naming your assassin after a famous assassin, but don’t want to go the fictional route, naming your assassin after a famous historical or present day one that really existed is another idea. There are quite a lot of real life assassins, typically who assassinated politicians, and so you can find some really cool names and in...

    I love code names and alias uses for assassins. You can get really creative with these, having them be anything from fun and funny to serious, cool, and mysterious sounding. I think my favourites of the funny/amusing ones are “The Meatpacker” and “The Cleaner.” In terms of cool sounding ones, I really like those that make use of alliteration – so “...

    What made you search for assassin names? Is it a name for a video game character or for a fictional piece? For something else? What are your favourite names for assassins? Did you like any in this list? Which did you like? Which do you think you might use? Have you come up with other badass names you’re willing to share with others? And if you play...

  2. Die folgende Liste soll eine schnelle Auswahl für Personennamen in Fantasy-Rollenspielen geben. Wer keinen passenden Namen in der Liste findet, kann die enthaltenen Namen durch leichte Veränderungen (Austausch einzener Buchstaben oder Silben) nach seinen Wünschen modifizieren. 1.)Männliche Namen.

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  3. 16. Juli 2023 · Die Liste an großartigen epischen Namen ist lang – und für jeden individuell. Denn was ein epischer Name ist, hat niemand genau definiert. Viele verstehen darunter Namen aus der Mythologie, aus der Geschichte oder aus bestimmten “epischen” Werken, Filmen oder Serien.

  4. 20. Juli 2022 · Wir haben eine Liste mit 100+ handgemachten Namen für RPG-Charaktere zusammengestellt. Vergiss den Generator, unsere Namen klingen cooler!

  5. 22. Aug. 2023 · 5. © - DVen. Wenn du auf diesen Artikel über Mystische Namen gestoßen bist, dann bist du wahrscheinlich auf der Suche nach einem ganz außergewöhnlichen Namen für Dein Kind – oder nach einem Namen für eine Fantasyfigur in einer Geschichte oder einem Videospiel. In beiden Fällen kannst Du Dich hier inspirieren lassen.

  6. Unter der Fremdbezeichnung Assassinen (Singular der Assassine) sind in der christlichen Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters Angehörige der schiitisch-islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft der Nizariten oder diese Gemeinschaft in ihrer Gesamtheit bezeichnet worden.