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  1. The Irish-born artist Francis Bacon (1909–1992) painted 28 known triptychs between 1944 and 1986. He began to work in the format in the mid-1940s with a number of smaller scale formats before graduating in 1962 to large examples.

  2. Triptych, 1976 ist ein Triptychon, das 1977 von Francis Bacon gemalt wurde. Der mittlere Teil zeigt eine kopflose menschliche Figur, die von Geiern eingekreist wird. Die Seiten zeigen zwei entstellte menschliche Gesichter.

  3. 13. Nov. 2013 · Das Triptychon «Three Studies of Lucian Freud» von Francis Bacon ist das teuerste je versteigerte Kunstwerk. Christie's in New York verkaufte es für 142 Millionen Dollar.

  4. symbols and personifications (7,150) birth to death (109) death - black (4) work and occupations (5,453) arts and entertainment (7,210) artist, painter (2,545) ‘Triptych August 1972‘, Francis Bacon, 1972 on display at Tate Britain.

  5. The Irish-born British artist Francis Bacon (1909–1992) painted 28 known large triptychs between 1944 and 1985–86. He began working in the format in the mid-1940s with a number of smaller scale works before graduating to large examples in 1962.

  6. 30. Juni 2020 · Francis Bacons Triptychon ist das teuerste Werk, das je bei einer Live-Internetauktion ersteigert wurde. In der Coronakrise kaufen vor allem jüngere Menschen Kunst online. Kann das den...

  7. 1991. In Bacon's final triptych, made at the end of his career, a composite figure steps in and out of stagelike spaces. Seemingly nailed to the canvas are closely cropped headshots of Bacon's face, at right, and, at left, that of a Brazilian racecar driver, placed above muscular lower bodies.