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  1. Angelo Scola – Italiens bauernschlauer Truckersohn Nach einem Polen und einem Bayer wollen Italiens Kardinäle wieder einen Papst aus ihren Reihen. Der Mailänder Erzbischof Angelo Scola wäre...

    • On Pope Francis’ Election
    • On Working with Then-Cardinal Bergoglio Before His Election as Pope
    • Pope Francis’ Leadership Style: ‘A Healthy Punch in The Stomach’
    • On People Within The Church Who ‘Attack’ Pope Francis
    • On How Pope Francis Is Similar to (and Different From) Previous Popes
    • On Pope Francis’ Synodal Vision
    • Rising Divisions Within The Church
    • On Why Young People Are Leaving The Church
    • Is The Church in ‘Crisis’?

    As cardinal, he participated in the conclaves of 2005 and 2013 and, in this interview, revealed these two experiences “had a mystical dimension for me.” He said he felt the Holy Spirit at work. “In the first conclave, the figure of Ratzinger stood out in a very clear way, due to the great friendship and collaboration he had with John Paul II,” Card...

    Cardinal Scola said that at the time of the conclave, he “did not really know Bergoglio.” He recalled having met the future Pope Francis two or three times when, as rector of the Lateran University, he gave talks at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires. Cardinals Scola and Bergoglio had also worked together as members of ...

    Cardinal Scola remarks in his book that “the appearance of Francis as pope has been a healthy punch in the stomach that the Holy Spirit has used to wake us up.” When I asked to explain this comment, he said that he viewed Francis’ election from the perspective of “our churches in Europe that are tired. His personality, his formation, his experience...

    He noted, however, that some in the church have reacted negatively to Francis’ leadership, with what he described as “harsh and insolent attacks against the pope.” “This is wrong,” Cardinal Scola said. “As a child, I was taught the expression, ‘The pope is the pope,’ and that one cannot question this.... I cannot accept an attitude that I judge as ...

    He attributed the origin of these attacks to “the lack of understanding of the great majority of Christians of the necessary link between experience and doctrine.” “Francis is a pope who starts from experience; he starts first of all from his own personal experience and has no shame in communicating it,” Cardinal Scola explained. “And from there he...

    In his book, the scholarly Cardinal Scola comes across as a truly authentic, passionate man who enjoyed carrying out the pastoral duties of a bishop. In Betting on Freedom, he recalls that when John Paul II called him to the episcopate at the age of 49, “I perceived that that was the road that the Lord indicated for me, namely, to accompany the lif...

    “Some people foresee dark scenarios for a church that is allegedly threatened by schism,” he writes. However, he says, “I do not see the risk of schism,” and is instead concerned with “polemics and divisions—which grow ever sharper, even at the expense of truth and charity.” “I fear we are moving backward, specifically to the epoch of the debates b...

    Cardinal Scola, in a stimulating and profound introduction for his book’s American edition, speaks of the decline of Christianity and Catholicism in Europe and the growth of the “nones”—a term used to describe demographic groups, especially young adults, who do not identify with any religious tradition. In the interview, Cardinal Scola said that he...

    Notwithstanding all this, Cardinal Scola said he never uses the term crisisfor the situation of the church today. “Crisis means judgment, and we are always under the judgment of the Spirit of Jesus,” he said. “This is not a negative thing; it is the beginning of change.” While humans may be resistant to change, Cardinal Scola emphasized that God is...

  2. 7. Nov. 2021 · Vielen galt Kardinal Angelo Scola 2013 als sicherer Nachfolger von Benedikt XVI., sodass Italiens Bischofskonferenz damals versehentlich und verfrüht ein vorbereitetes Glückwunschtelegramm verschickte. Doch neuer Papst wurde Kardinal Jorge Bergoglio aus Buenos Aires.

  3. Sunday, April 09, 2023. A service of EWTN News. CNA

  4. 1. Nov. 2021 · Der Kardinal hört auf, Kardinalwahlmann zu sein, und verliert somit das Stimmrecht im Falle eines Konklaves. Scola war ein enger Mitarbeiter von Johannes Paul II. und hatte den Lehrstuhl für Anthropologie am Päpstlichen Institut für Studien über Ehe und Familie inne. Er stand in Verbindung mit der Kommunions- und Befreiungsbewegung. Er war ...

  5. 13. März 2007 · Participating in the press conference were Cardinal Angelo Scola, patriarch of Venice, Italy and relater general of the 11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, as well as...

  6. 11. März 2013 · Linked to New Evangelization. Cardinal Scolas influence during Benedict XVI’s pontificate was already felt: It was he, insiders say, who gave Benedict the idea to create a new Vatican...