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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. ETH Zürich - Homepage | ETH Zürich. Ufo oder Droh­ne? chevron_right Stu­die­ren­de prä­sen­tie­ren in­no­va­ti­ve Pro­jek­te am 28. Mai. News. Zwölf Pro­fes­so­rin­nen und Pro­fes­so­ren er­nannt. Per­so­nel­les. 22.05.2024. Alt Bun­des­kanz­ler Thurn­herr wird ETH- Professor. Po­li­ti­sche Wis­sen­schaf­ten. 22.05.2024.

  2. This is the list of courses by ETH Zürich. Click here to see all courses available on the Swiss MOOC Service.

  3. 22. Mai 2024 · The Stu­dent portal provides you with ac­cess to the most im­port­ant in­form­a­tion you will need dur­ing your stud­ies. chevron_right Dis­cover the Stu­dent portal. chevron_right Semester dates (Aca­demic Cal­en­dar) Did you know? An­nual re­port 2023. Dis­cover now: How ETH Zurich cre­ates value. chevron_right Read the an­nual re­port.

  4. Connect with Institution/Campus Credentials. Choose your institution from the list below: BFH - Bern University of Applied Sciences. EPFL - EPF Lausanne. ETHZ - ETH Zurich. FFHS - Fernfachhochschule Schweiz. HES-SO - Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse occiden.

  5. ETH DT-01x Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown. Starts: Nov 30, 2022. Nov 30, 2022.

  6. Connect with Institution/Campus Credentials. Choose your institution from the list below: BFH - Bern University of Applied Sciences. EPFL - EPF Lausanne. ETHZ - ETH Zurich. FFHS - Fernfachhochschule Schweiz.