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  1. It’s too great a risk to murder Claudius on the evidence of the Ghost’s testimony: Hamlet needs more proof of Claudius’s guilt. Throughout the play, Hamlet struggles with the impossibility of being absolutely certain about anything.

  2. Hamlet may be the most quotable of all Shakespeare's plays. Read our selection of the most memorable Hamlet quotes, with links to translations and analysis. 1. Something

  3. Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

    • 🏰 Hamlet Act 1 Quotes
    • 🃏 Hamlet Act 2 Quotes
    • 💀 Hamlet Act 3 Quotes
    • 🖤 Hamlet Act 4 Quotes
    • ️ ⚔️ Hamlet Act 5 Quotes
    • 🎓 References

    This is one of the most critical of Hamlet’s madness quotes in the play. He proclaims these words after getting to know about Gertrude’s marriage with Claudius. Being too concerned about his mother’s decision to marry his uncle, Prince gets furious. The main reason for Hamlet’s concerns is Gertrude’s instant engagement after her husband’s demise. P...

    This phrase “brevity is the soul of wit” became a proverb after Shakspeare used it in Hamlet. In general, it highlights the importance of being clear and concise while conveying a message. A long, nonsense chattering will never attract the listener’s attention. Therefore, while sharing a crucial piece of information, it is essential to be brief and...

    Hamlet’s monologue “To be or not to be” is one of the most dramatic parts of the play. Being too overwhelmed with the recent events, Prince questions the essence of life. He even thinks of committing suicide to escape from problems. From the very beginning of the soliloquy, it seems like Hamlet is in favor of death. He believes that demise will end...

    This is one of the most dynamic of Ophelia’s madness quotes in the play. The storyline has an impressive number of challenges upon Ophelia’s slender shoulders. Being too pressured by the suffering caused to her by Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius, Ophelia weakens throughout the play. As the action unfolds, the readers can notice her insanity. This qu...

    As we all have probably understood, Hamlet heavily explores themes of death, fate, and free will. He utters these words when he finally concludes that life is an extremely short term-concept. We, humans, come out of the dust of the earth and someday return to it. The dilemma of life’s valueaccompanies Hamlet throughout the play. It keeps him remini...

  4. Shakespeare Quick Quotes. I doubt some foul play; would the night were come! - Hamlet (1.2.254), Hamlet, alone on the platform. doubt ] i.e., suspect. Please see the commentary on Foul deeds will rise (256) for more information on these lines. Mabillard, Amanda.

  5. Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” ― William Shakespeare, quote from Hamlet

  6. Shakespeare works. Hamlet Quotes. A hit, a very palpable hit. A king of infinite space. A ministering angel. Alas, poor Yorick. Antic disposition. Brevity is the soul of wit. Caviary to the...