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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Death of the Princess de Lamballe, by Leon Maxime Faivre in 1908 (Musée de la Révolution française) The treatment of her remains has also been the subject of many conflicting stories. After her death, her corpse was reportedly undressed, eviscerated and decapitated, with its head placed upon a pike.

  2. Marie-Louise von Savoyen (* 8. September 1749 in Turin; † 3. September 1792 in Paris) war eine geborene Prinzessin von Savoyen und durch ihre Heirat mit einem bourbonischen Prinzen Fürstin von Lamballe ( französisch princesse de Lamballe, auch deutsch Prinzessin Lamballe) sowie Mitglied der französischen Königsfamilie.

  3. On 6 May 1768, he died after an agonising struggle. His 18-year-old widow retired to the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Antoine to recover from the shock. Just two years later, Marie Thérèse attended the wedding of Marie Antoinette of Austria and Louis Auguste, the Dauphin of France.

  4. Marie-Thérèse-Louise de Savoie-Carignan, princesse de Lamballe (born September 8, 1749, Turin, Piedmont [Italy]—died September 3, 1792, Paris, France) was an intimate companion of Queen Marie-Antoinette of France. She was murdered by a crowd during the French Revolution for her alleged participation in the queen’s counterrevolutionary ...

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. 23. Sept. 2022 · Death of the Princess de Lamballe, oil on canvas by Léon-Maxime Faivre, 1908. The painting depicts the murder of the Princess de Lamballe in the September Massacres, during the French Revolution (1789-99).

  6. 12. Sept. 2020 · Die Prinzessin war unwohl geworden durch den Lärm der Mörder; schreckliche Träume raubten ihr den Schlaf – da ward sie plötzlich aufgefordert, ihnen in die Abtei zu folgen. Sie war so schwach, dass sie sich kaum erheben konnte und bat, man solle sie lassen, wo sie sei, sie wolle lieber hier als sonst wo sterben.

  7. In France she was known as the "princesse de Lamballe". She was a close friend of Queen Marie Antoinette. She, like the queen, was killed in the French Revolution. There was national hatred of the Italian -born princess who, along with the Duchess of Polignac, were part of the queen's inner circle.