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  1. The internal pudendal veins (internal pudic veins) are a set of veins in the pelvis. They are the venae comitantes of the internal pudendal artery. Internal pudendal veins are enclosed by pudendal canal, with internal pudendal artery and pudendal nerve.

  2. 21. März 2024 · Die Venae pudendae internae sammeln das venöse Blut aus den Genitalorganen und über ihre Zuflussvenen aus dem vorderen und hinteren Perineum . Stichworte: Penis, Perineum, Vene. Fachgebiete: Bauch- und Beckeneingeweide. BY-NC-SA. Wichtiger Hinweis zu diesem Artikel.

  3. The internal pudendal artery is one of the three pudendal arteries. It branches off the internal iliac artery, and provides blood to the external genitalia . Structure. The internal pudendal artery is the terminal branch of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. [1] . It is smaller in the female than in the male . Path.

  4. 10. Juli 2024 · The internal pudendal veins are the set of accompanying veins to the internal pudendal artery draining the perineal region to empty into the internal iliac vein.

  5. 30. Okt. 2023 · The internal pudendal artery is a terminal branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. It is considered to be the main artery of the perineum in both sexes.

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    • 26 Min.
    • Anterior division of internal iliac artery
  6. The internal pudendal veins drain the organs, skin and muscles of external genitalia, and perineum. This includes the bulb of the vestibule in females and the bulb of the penis and spongy urethra in males.

  7. Learn about the internal pudendal veins, a set of veins in the pelvis that accompany the internal pudendal artery. See their origin, course, tributaries and relation to other veins and organs.