基本不看电视,只看足球。. 不过,有一次给奥利大叔放电视,看到ZDF的 Bares für Rares,结果看进去了,看得津津有味。. 节目大概是普通人拿家里的古(la)董(ji)到节目组这里找专家鉴定,估个价。. 如果估价符合你的心理价位,就可以去小房间见五个职业古 ...
2. März 2016 · This simply replaces the stock Doom textures and flats with a variety of spookified textures and sounds to create a different setting. It's essentially a slew of Blood textures and a few Doom64 textures, combined to make a vast change of scenery for maps using Stock Doom2 resources. I tested this with LZDoom and it should be compatible with ...
after flashing his .38 and a blade of his own to the homeless. Now the man wakes up in a pool of his own blood to see nothing but the. damned all around him and not a single sliver of humanity. Poor man, he. just couldn't stop shaking, gripping that pistol with the worst jitters. He was dead.