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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. (JDR Jr.) was a philanthropist who gave more than $537 million to educational, religious, cultural, medical, and civic projects. The son of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the Standard Oil Company, and Laura Spelman Rockefeller, he was born on January 29, 1874, in Cleveland, Ohio, and died on May 11, 1960, in Tucson, Arizona.

  2. Die Familie Rockefeller wurde durch den Unternehmer John D. Rockefeller und seinen Bruder William Rockefeller bekannt. Sie waren Mitbegründer einer Erdölraffinerie , aus der 1870 die Standard Oil Company hervorging, die 1911 erzwungenermaßen aufgelöst wurde.

  3. 8. Juli 2024 · The eldest brother, John D. Rockefeller III, was born in 1906 and developed an interest in Japan and Asia after World War II. He collected Asian art, rehabilitated the Japan Society, and organized the Asia Society (1956). John D. Rockefeller III was also instrumental in the establishment of Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts (1956), New York.

  4. John D. Rockefeller 1839. július 8-án született a New York állambeli Richford kisvárosban. Apja, az angol és német ősökkel rendelkező William Avery Rockefeller (1810–1906) szélhámos vándorkereskedő volt, aki különböző elixíreket és csodafőzeteket árult. Állandóan az országot járta, csavargott és családja csak ritkán látta. Felesége mellett viszonyt folytatott ...

  5. Title: John D. Rockefeller III Other Title: visit with John D. Rockefeller 3rd. hidden crisis. Creator(s): Brooks, Charlotte, 1918-2014, photographer Date Created/Published: 1963 Dec. 9 (date added to Look's library) Medium: 22 photographic prints (contact sheets).

  6. John Davison Rockefeller III is a philanthropist and third-generation member of the prominent Rockefeller family. He was the eldest son of the philanthropists John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. His siblings were Abby, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop and David. Like his sister Abby, John III eventually settled on philanthropy as his major interest. His brothers Nelson and Winthrop ...

  7. John D. Rockefeller III. Rođenje 21. ožujka 1906., New York City, New York: Smrt 10. srpnja 1978., Mount Pleasant, New York: Supruga Blanchette Ferry Hooker Djeca John D. IV. Hope Sandra Alida Roditelji John D. Rockefeller ml. Abigail Greene Aldrich: Portal o životopisima