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  1. Valeria war die fünfte Ehefrau des römischen Diktators Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. Sie war die Tochter eines Valerius Messalla und Schwester von Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus, der 53 v. Chr. Konsul war. [1] Nach Plutarch war sie eine bemerkenswert schöne Frau, die sich von ihrem ersten Ehemann scheiden ließ. [2]

  2. Cultural depictions. In the historical novel, The First Man in Rome by Colleen McCullough she is a character called Julilla who is portrayed as the younger sister of the Julia, the wife of Marius, her husband's mortal enemy. Julilla commits suicide after learning of the relationship between her husband Sulla and the actor Metrobius .

  3. › wiki › SullaSulla - Wikipedia

    Cornelia Postuma, who was born after Sulla's death. Appearance and character. Sulla was red-blond and blue-eyed, and had a dead-white face covered with red marks. Plutarch notes that Sulla considered that "his golden head of hair gave him a singular appearance."

  4. Cornelia Postuma, ή Ποστούμα Κορνηλία (γενν. το 78 ή το 77 π.Χ.) ήταν η μοναδική κόρη του Ρωμαίου δικτάτορα Σύλλα και της πέμπτης συζύγου του, Βαλερίας Μεσάλλας. Ήταν το πέμπτο και τελευταίο γνωστό παιδί του Σύλλα.

  5. Nicopolis (courtesan) Nicopolis (born c.150 BC) was a Roman hetaira possibly of Greek origin. [1] She was likely a former slave from Greece, who earned her fortune as a prostitute. [2] Ernst Badian suggests that Nicopolis was not her real name.

  6. Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix ( 138 î.Hr. - 78 î.Hr.) a fost un general și om politic roman, care, ca dictator, prin încercările lui de a constitui o formă nouă de stat, a contribuit de fapt la destrămarea Republicii Romane .