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  1. 25. Juli 2019 · Amelia Bloomer wrote most of the articles in the Lily. Other activists including Elizabeth Cady Stanton also contributed articles. Bloomer was considerably less radical in her support of women’s suffrage than her friend Stanton was, believing that women must “gradually prepare the way for such a step” by their own actions.

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    Amelia Bloomer war eine amerikanische Frauenrechtlerin, die diese von ihr zunächst Türkisches Kostüm bzw. Türkische Hosen genannte Kleidung als Beitrag zu einer Reform der Frauenkleidung ab 1851 propagierte. Das Bloomer-Kostüm stieß auf reges Interesse bei den Vertretern der Frauenrechte, fand aber wenig praktische Akzeptanz (im ...

  3. Amelia Bloomer, una feminista pionera y periodista, nació en mayo de 1818 en un modesto pueblo de Nueva York. Con una educación formal limitada, trabajó como institutriz antes de casarse con Dexter Bloomer, un abogado y propietario de periódicos, quien la animó a escribir y expresar sus opiniones radicales en artículos.

  4. Amelia Jenks Bloomer (Homer, 27 de maio de 1818 – Council Bluffs, 30 de dezembro de 1894) foi uma defensora dos direitos das mulheres e do Movimento de Temperança. Mesmo que ela não tenha criado o estilo de reforma de roupas femininas conhecido como bloomers , seu nome foi associado ao movimento por seu forte apoio desde o seu início.

  5. 23. Sept. 2016 · Into this scene stepped Amelia Bloomer. Before she exited, she would affect popular culture and the public agenda. Before she exited, she would affect popular culture and the public agenda. Bloomer's battles both reflected and influenced gender roles in the 19th century as America debated social reforms and constitutional rights: the right to petition, the right to vote , among others.

  6. Amelia Jenks Bloomer (Homer, 27 maggio 1818 – Council Bluffs, 30 dicembre 1894) è stata un'attivista statunitense, nota per il suo impegno in favore dei diritti delle donne. È ricordata inoltre per aver creato dei pantaloni sbuffanti, per le signore che desideravano andare in bicicletta, chiamati appunto bloomers.

  7. 30. Nov. 2021 · 18 On Amelia Bloomer’s personal copies of the earliest volumes of the Lily, she pointedly crossed out “by a committee of ladies” and handwrote her own name. By September 1849, the Lily’s flag included “By Amelia Bloomer” in addition to “by a committee of ladies.” In subsequent years, Bloomer’s name appeared prominently on the ...