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  1. Marie Laurencin (31 October 1883 – 8 June 1956) was a French painter and printmaker. She became an important figure in the Parisian avant-garde as a member of the Cubists associated with the Section d'Or. Laurencin was born in Paris, where she was raised by her mother and lived much of her life. At 18, she studied porcelain painting in Sèvres.

  2. Marie Laurencin. 31.10.1883 Paris - 08.06.1956 Paris. Alfred Flechtheim und Marie Laurencin. Marie Laurencin ist als Malerin und Grafikerin für ihre eigenständige Bildsprache bekannt. Ihre vielen Personendarstellungen besitzen einen unverkennbaren Körper- und Gesichtstypus: Schmale, hochgewachsene Gestalten geformt aus geschwungenen Linien ...

  3. Marie Laurencin (1883-1956) was a female painter active in the first half of the twentieth century. She is often introduced as a Cubist, but she is a presence who does not fit the art-historical narrative focused on avant-garde art movements and isms. Laurencin herself stated that Matisse, Derain, Picasso, and Braque, her contemporaries, were the artists who influenced her. She did not ...

  4. Introduction Marie Laurencin (31 October 1883 – 8 June 1956) was a French painter and printmaker. She became an important figure in the Parisian avant-garde as a member of the Cubists associated with the Section d'Or.

  5. Marie Laurencin wurde am 31. Oktober 1883 in Paris geboren als illegitime Tochter einer kreolischen Mutter, Pauline Laurencin und eines Vaters, Alfred Toulet, dessen Identität ihr bis zu ihrem 22.

  6. 17. Feb. 2014 · Bald findet Laurencin zu ihrem ganz eigenen Stil, der sich etwa in dem Gemälde „Portraits (Marie Laurencin, Cecilia de Madrazo et le chien Coco)“ aus dem Jahr 1915 manifestiert. Sie malt weiterhin vor allem weibliche Figuren, diese werden jetzt zu blassen Wesen mit dunklen melancholischen Augen. Blumen, Vögel, Hunde und Gitarren ergänzen die Motive. Die Konturen werden weich, pastellige ...

  7. Marie Laurencin returned to Paris in 1920 and produced much of the work for which she is known during the interwar period, having refined the style, subject matter and color palette for which she would be remembered. Paul Rosenberg began to act as Laurencin's dealer, giving her greater financial security, though she often disobeyed his business advice, giving her work as a gift to those she ...