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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. La Università della Georgia (inglese: University of Georgia; comunemente chiamata UGA o semplicemente Georgia) è un'università pubblica con sede ad Athens, Georgia, Stati Uniti. Fondata nel 1785, è la più antica e grande istituzione di istruzione maggiore dello stato. L'Università della Georgia è parte del Sistema Universitario della Georgia. È anche membro della Southern Association ...

  2. 佐治亚大学(The University of Georgia,缩写为UGA),或译乔治亚大学,坐落于美国佐治亚州雅典市,是一所公立研究型大学。该校是佐治亚州大学系统的旗舰学府,被誉为公立常春藤大学。佐治亚大学创建于1785年,是美国最早建立的公立大学,首位校长以及一位校董参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣言 ...

  3. Sanford球場全景 體育隊標誌. 喬治亞大學屬於NCAA成員, 熱門運動項目包括:美式足球, 棒球和女子體操, 尤其是女子體操已獲得十座全美冠軍, 最近五年更是完成了五年霸(2005-2009)。該校更擁有一座全美第五大, 能容納92,746人的Sanford球場, 1996亞特蘭大奧運會以該場地作為英式足球比賽球場。另外, 可容納 ...

  4. 2. Dez. 2003 · The University of Georgia (UGA) is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive educational institution in Georgia. Chartered by the Georgia General Assembly in 1785, UGA was the first university in America to be created by a state government, and the principles undergirding its charter helped lay the foundation for the American system of public higher […]

  5. › aboutUGA

    <iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe><strong>The University of ...

  6. The University of Georgia Graduate School offers more than 200 different degrees, certificates and programs of study to help start your future career.

  7. 6. Juni 2024 · Welcome to the University of Georgia! With hundreds of international students and visiting international scholars, the University of Georgia is a hub of learning and research in the region, offering quality education and excellent infrastructure to students from all around the world ...