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  1. Tokugawa Iemitsu was born in 1604, as the second son of the second shogun Tokugawa Hidetada. His older brother died young, so Iemitsu became the eldest son and heir to the position. He became a shogun in 1623 and ruled for 28 years. As a child, Iemitsu often felt a strong sibling rivalry because his parents seemed to strongly favor his younger brother. Favoritism was so strong that people who ...

  2. Tokugawa Iemitsu. Este nombre sigue la onomástica japonesa; el apellido es Tokugawa. Tokugawa Iemitsu (徳川 家光? 12 de agosto de 1604 - 8 de junio de 1651) fue el tercer shōgun Tokugawa, y gobernó entre 1623 a 1651. Fue el hijo mayor de Tokugawa Hidetada y nieto de Tokugawa Ieyasu . Fue investido shōgun en 1617 y asumió el shogunato ...

  3. The Tokugawa shogunate was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu after victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, ending the civil wars of the Sengoku period following the collapse of the Ashikaga shogunate. Ieyasu became the shōgun , and the Tokugawa clan governed Japan from Edo Castle in the eastern city of Edo ( Tokyo ) along with the daimyō lords of the samurai class.

  4. Mausoleum of Iemitsu, Ieyasu’s grandson. Taiyuin (大猷院, Taiyūin) is the mausoleum of the third Tokugawa shogun, Iemitsu, the grandson of Ieyasu. Iemitsu's lavish mausoleum complex resembles nearby Toshogu Shrine in its layout and architecture, but it was intentionally built somewhat more modest than the Toshogu due to Iemitsu's deep ...

  5. 13. Sept. 2022 · Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604-1651) gobernó Japón como tercer shogún del período Edo. Implementó un conjunto de políticas que resultaron ser impotantes porque no solo consolidaron la permanencia de la familia en el poder, sino que también repercutieron en la sociedad japonesa durante varios siglos. Entre ellas se incluye la formalización del

  6. 13. Sept. 2022 · Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604-1651) fut le troisième shogun de l'époque d'Edo à gouverner le Japon. Il mena une série de réformes importantes qui non seulement consolidèrent la mainmise de sa famille sur le pouvoir, mais eurent également un impact considérable sur la société japonaise durant plusieurs siècles.

  7. Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604-651) was the third shogun of the Tokygawa Shogunate. After assuming that title in 1623, Iemitsu instituted reforms that would define Japan for centuries.