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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 23. Dez. 2020 · Staatsgründer und "ewiger Präsident": Nordkoreas Diktator Kim Il Sung gilt auch über seinen Tod hinaus als zentrale Führungspersönlichkeit des Landes.

  2. 19. Jan. 2024 · Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) was the founding leader of North Korea. He played a key role in the country’s establishment in 1948 and served as its leader until his death in 1994. Known as the “Great Leader,” Kim Il Sung pursued a policy of self-reliance called Juche and led North Korea through the Korean War (1950-1953) and the ...

  3. › political-figures › kim-il-sungKim Il-sung - Biography

    2. Apr. 2014 · Kim died in Pyongyang on July 8, 1994, allegedly from a heart condition, before the summit could take place. Kim Il-sung's son, Jong Il, took over leadership of the country until his death in 2011 ...

  4. › wiki › 金日成金日成 - Wikipedia

    金日成 (きん にっせい [2] 、キム・イルソン、 朝: 김일성 、 英: Kim Il-sung 、 1912年 〈 明治 45年〉 4月15日 - 1994年 7月8日 )は、 北朝鮮 の 政治家 、 軍人 、 独裁者 。. 同国初代 最高指導者 ( 1948年 9月9日 - 1994年 7月8日 )。. 称号 は 朝鮮民主主義人民共和 ...

  5. Kim Il Sung died of a sudden heart attack on the early morning of 8 July 1994 at age 82. North Korea's government did not report the death for more than 34 hours after it occurred. An official mourning period was declared from 8–17 July, during which the national flag was flown at half mast throughout the country, and all forms of amusement ...

  6. 15. Apr. 2022 · Kim-Il-Sung-Platz in Pjöngjang, Nordkorea: Menschen tanzen zur Feier des verstorbenen Staatsgründers Kim Il Sung. Massentänze und Feuerwerk: Nordkorea hat am Freitag den 110. Geburtstag von ...

  7. Kim Il Sung var Nord-Koreas første statsminister etter at Nord-Korea ble proklamert som en egen stat i 1948, og president fra 1972 til sin død i 1994. Han fikk politisk og militær skolering i Sovjetunionen under den andre verdenskrig og ble major i Den røde hær. I 1945 kom han tilbake til Korea sammen med sovjetiske styrker og ble da leder for et interimstyre nord for 38.