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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Margarete von Valois wurde als siebtes Kind und damit jüngste überlebende Tochter Heinrichs II. und Katharinas von Medici geboren. Ihren Vornamen erhielt sie zu Ehren ihrer Patin Marguerite de Valois-Angoulême, einer Tante väterlicherseits.

  2. Catherine II, also Catherine of Valois or Catherine of Taranto (before 15 April 1303 – October 1346), was the recognised Latin Empress of Constantinople from 1307–1346, although she lived in exile and only had authority over Crusader States in Greece. She was Queen consort of Albania.

  3. Porträt von Catherine de Valois-Courtenay; Kapelle der Madonna di Montevergine in Mercogliano Catherine de Valois-Courtenay (* 18.November 1303 in Siena; † 20. . September 1346 in Neapel) war Titularkaiserin von Konstantinopel und Regentin des Fürstentums Ach

  4. 23. Juli 2016 · Catherine de Valois was the daughter of a king, the wife and then widow of a king and, finally, the mother of, arguably, the greatest dynasty in English history. Her father, Charles VI of France, despite the fact that he was insane for much of the last thirty years of his life, managed to sire twelve children by his queen, Isabelle of Bavaria. Catherine was born the youngest daughter at the ...

  5. 22. Juni 2022 · Catherine de' Medici

  6. Catherine of Valois. Catherine of Valois (27 Oct 1401 – 3 Jan 1437) was Queen consort of England from 1420 until 1422. She was a daughter of Charles VI of France, wife of Henry V of England, mother of Henry VI of England, and through her secret marriage with Owen Tudor, grandmother of Henry VII of England. Catherine's older sister Isabella ...

  7. Catherine de France, ou Catherine de Valois, née le 27 octobre 1401 à Paris et morte le 3 janvier 1437 à Londres, est une des filles du roi Charles VI de France et d'Isabeau de Bavière. Elle est reine d'Angleterre par son mariage avec le roi Henri V. Dès son enfance, Catherine suscite l'intérêt d'Henri V d'Angleterre, qui négocie longuement avec Charles VI le montant de sa dot ainsi ...