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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Ferdinand I pales beside his brother Charles V. Nevertheless, he initiated the Austrian line of the house of Habsburg and laid the foundations for the Danube monarchy. Most principally, Maximilian, I am more worried about you than about any other, as I have to my great vexation many times seen and noted things that suggest an intention on your ...

  2. Ferdinand I., Kaiser von Oesterreich, geboren in Wien am 19. April 1793, war der älteste Sohn des Kaisers Franz II. und dessen zweiter Gemahlin Maria Theresia, Tochter des Königs Ferdinand IV. von Neapel. Seine Erziehung wurde der Leitung des Baron Carnea-Steffaneo unterstellt. Den ersten Unterricht erhielt er von A. Cremes, Eybler, Schopp, Span, Unterberger u. A.

  3. La 15 octombrie 1922, la Alba Iulia, Ferdinand I a fost încoronat Rege al tuturor românilor, alături de Regina Maria. În timpul slujbei oficiate de Patriarhul Miron Cristea au fost sfinţite coroanele (vechea Coroană de Oţel a Regelui Carol I, pentru Ferdinand, şi o coroană nouă, din aur, pentru Maria) şi binecuvântaţi Suveranii ...

  4. Signature. Ferdinand I (Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad; 24 August 1865 – 20 July 1927), nicknamed Întregitorul ("the Unifier"), was King of Romania from 1914 until his death in 1927. Ferdinand was the second son of Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern, and Infanta Antónia of Portugal, daughter of Ferdinand II of Portugal and Maria II of Portugal.

  5. Ferdinand I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (n.24 august 1865, Sigmaringen - d. 20 iulie 1927, Sinaia), numit şi Ferdinand I Întregitorul, rege al României, membru şi preşedinte de onoare al Academiei Române din 16 martie 1890. În timpul domniei sale s-a înfăptuit Marea Unire din 1918, s-au pus bazele consolidării statului naţional unitar român şi s-au adoptat măsuri fundamentale ...

  6. Ferdinand I. (Österreich) Kaiser Ferdinand I. von Österreich im Ornat des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies, Porträt von Leopold Kupelwieser. Ferdinands Unterschrift: Ferdinand I. Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcellin, genannt: der Gütige, ungarisch: Jóságos Ferdinánd, tschechisch: Ferdinand Dobrotivý, (* 19. April 1793 in Wien; † 29.

  7. 20. Juli 1998 · Ferdinand I (born Aug. 24, 1865, Sigmaringen, Prussia [now in Germany]—died July 20, 1927, Bucharest, Rom.) was the king of Romania from 1914 to 1927, who, though a Hohenzollern and a believer in German strength, joined the Allies in World War I. The son of Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Ferdinand was adopted as crown prince of ...