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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Rechtsextreme Symbole und Zeichen. Anhänger der internationalen rechtsextremistischen Szene bedienen sich bestimmter Symbole und Zeichen, um ihre Gesinnung in der Öffentlichkeit zu zeigen. Wie alle Symbole dienen sie dem schnellen Wiedererkennen, stellen also einen gruppen- und länderübergreifenden Code dar.

  2. Hitler and the Nazi Party outlined their racial enemies in clear and unequivocal terms. For Hitler and the Nazis, the Jews represented a priority enemy both within and outside Germany. Their allegedly racial and inferior genetic makeup spawned the exploitative systems of capitalism and communism. In their drive to expand, the Jews promoted and used these systems of government and state ...

  3. Vor 6 Tagen · The Arolsen Archives are the international center on Nazi persecution with the world’s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of National Socialism. The collection has information on about 17.5 million people and belongs to the UNESCO’s Memory of the World. It contains documents on the various victim groups targeted by the Nazi regime and is an important source of ...

  4. 14. Okt. 2009 · The Holocaust was the persecution and murder of millions of Jews, Romani people, political dissidents and homosexuals by the German Nazi regime from 1933-1945.

  5. Nazism. The government of Nazi Germany was a totalitarian dictatorship governed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party according to the Führerprinzip. Nazi Germany was established in January 1933 with the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany, followed by suspension of basic rights with the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act ...

  6. KL Auschwitz was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers. Over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives here. Visiting. The authentic Memorial consists of two parts of the former camp: Auschwitz and Birkenau. A visit with an educator allows better understanding of this unique place.

  7. 18. Nov. 2016 · Die Modemarken der Neonazis. Rahel Klein. 18.11.2016. "Thor Steinar", "Lonsdale" oder "New Balance" haben eins gemeinsam: Sie werden gern von Rechtsextremen getragen. Aber nicht jedes Unternehmen ...

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