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  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. CMU is a global research university known for its world-class, interdisciplinary programs: arts, business, computing, engineering, humanities, policy and science.

  2. 卡内基·梅隆大学(英語: Carnegie Mellon University ,缩写为CMU)是一所位於美國 賓夕法尼亞州 匹茲堡的研究型 私立大學。 卡内基·梅隆大學的歷史從1900年美国钢铁大亨 安德魯·卡內基 創立的卡內基技術學校開始。

  3. Come to Carnegie Mellon University to learn, create and innovate with the very best. Leave with the passion, connections, credentials and lifelong friends who will help you change the world. Be in the company of world-renowned computer scientists, artists and authors, business leaders, inventors and groundbreaking researchers.

  4. En 1967, la fusion avec l'Institut Mellon de recherche industrielle (Mellon Institute of Industrial Research) lui permit de prendre son nom définitif : Carnegie Mellon University. Scott Fahlman, chercheur en informatique dans cette université, y inventa le smiley.

  5. Breakthroughs happen at the intersection of fields — a Carnegie Mellon University specialty. Renowned faculty explore side by side with students, collaborating on research, tackling society's biggest challenges and delivering work that matters. In addition to the programs below, CMU offers online programs and dozens of interdisciplinary programs.

  6. Carnegie Mellon University is a global research universitythat challenges its students to deliver work that matters in top-rankedprograms from engineering, computer science, robotics and business to publicpolicy, fine arts, science and the humanities.

  7. picoCTF is a free computer security education program with original content built on a capture-the-flag framework created by security and privacy experts at Carnegie Mellon University.