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  1. About Westminster

  2. Westminster School Royal College svatého Petra ve Westminsteru, známá jako Westminster School, je jedna z významných britských nezávislých škol s nejvyšší mírou přijetí na Oxford a Cambridge v porovnání s jakoukoliv jinou střední školou v Británii. Stojí v areálu Westminsterského opatství v centru Londýna, její historie sahá až do 11. století. Mezi pozoruhodné ...

  3. Westminster is a leading independent school in Adelaide, offering superb facilities on a spacious campus, extensive subject choices to Year 12, over 200 sporting teams, activity clubs and ensembles, outstanding wellbeing programs and teachers who are leaders in their field.

  4. New Westminster Schools supports a caring, inclusive, and committed learning community that is dedicated to supporting each of our unique learners. We want every student to build the skills and competencies they need to be productive and successful citizens in a rapidly changing world, with support from the life-long learners who work in our schools and across our district.

  5. The Westminster School - Dubai

  6. Westminster School, eg. The Royal College of St. Peter at Westminster , är en skola i London som tillhör de mest ansedda av de engelska privatskolorna (public schools). Den grundades 1179 som en klosterskola och återinstiftades, efter klostrets upplösning, av drottning Elisabet 1560 .

  7. Every Westminster pupil belongs to one of the School’s houses, which are each named after people historically connected to the School. There are 11 houses in total, six of which have boarders as well as day pupils and all of which have a mix of boys and girls. Purcell’s is a girls-only boarding house; College, Grant’s, Rigaud’s, Busby’s and Liddell’s are mixed boarding houses. All ...