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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. William Rowley 1585-1626. Playwright William Rowley, 1585 – 1626, is best known for works written in collaboration with other writers. He seems to have made himself available as a jobbing writer who could be called on to help out with some less demanding scenes. It is easy to identify his work in a text, as his somewhat plodding verse stands ...

  2. William Rowley ist der Name folgender Personen: William Rowley (Dramatiker) (um 1585–1626), englischer Schauspieler und Dramatiker; William Rowley (Admiral ) (um 1690–1768), britischer Admiral; William Rowley (Mediziner) (1742–1806) ...

  3. He was general editor of Arbitration World from 2004 to 2012. He is chairman of the editorial board for Global Arbitration Review, a former chairman of the IBA Business Section and IBA Antitrust Committee, and co-author of Rowley & Baker: International Mergers – The Antitrust Process. He served as chairman at McMillan LLP from 1996 to 2009 ...

  4. William Rowley begründete die maritime Tradition seiner Familie. Unter anderem sein Sohn Sir Joshua Rowley, 1. Baronet, sowie seine Enkel Sir Josias Rowley, 1. Baronet, Charles Rowley, Samuel Campbell Rowley und George Martin erreichten hohe Ränge in der Royal Navy. Literatur

  5. William Rowley. Dramaturgo y autor inglés. Todas las obras originales de William Rowley se encuentran en dominio público. Esto es aplicable en todo el mundo debido a que falleció hace más de 100 años. Las traducciones de sus obras pueden no estar en dominio público.

  6. William Rowley Graduate student committed to developing new chemoproteomic tools for tomorrow Chicago, IL. 104 others named William Rowley in United States are on LinkedIn ...

  7. William Rowley (1585? - 1626) fou un dramaturg i actor anglès de l'època jacobina. Més conegut per obres escrites en col·laboració amb escriptors de més èxit. S'estima que la seva data de naixement va ser c. 1585; va ser enterrat l'11 de febrer de 1626 al cementiri deSt James's, Clerkenwell,al nord de Londres. (Un registre inequívoc de la mort de Rowley es va descobrir el 1928,