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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Renaissance Revival architecture (sometimes referred to as "Neo-Renaissance") is a group of 19th-century architectural revival styles which were neither Greek Revival nor Gothic Revival but which instead drew inspiration from a wide range of classicizing Italian modes.

  2. Renaissance architecture is the European architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 16th centuries in different regions, demonstrating a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture.

  3. Die Architektur der Renaissance ist die Architektur des Zeitraums zwischen dem frühen 15. und späten 16. Jahrhundert in verschiedenen Regionen Europas, die bewusst ein Wiederbeleben und Weiterentwickeln bestimmter Elemente der römischen Antike anstrebte.

  4. Der Italienisierende Stil vereinigt die Architektur der italienischen Renaissance des 16. Jahrhunderts, die auch den Palladianismus und den Klassizismus inspiriert hat, mit dem in der anglophonen Welt seit dem 18.

  5. Revivalism, in a narrower sense, refers to the period of and movement within Western architectural history during which a succession of antecedent and reminiscent styles were taken to by architects, roughly from the late 18th century, and which was itself succeeded by Modernism.

  6. Renaissance Revival architecture is a group of 19th-century architectural revival styles which were neither Greek Revival nor Gothic Revival but which instead drew inspiration from a wide range of classicizing Italian modes. Under the broad designation Renaissance architecture 19th-century architects and critics went beyond the architectural ...

  7. The interior of Santo Spirito expresses a new sense of light, clarity and spaciousness, which is typical of the early Italian Renaissance. Its architecture reflects the philosophy of Renaissance humanism, the enlightenment and clarity of mind as