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  1. In this situation Thomas Mann, Heinrich Mann and Hermann Broch produced a series of novels which provided in one form or another a critical conspectus of the process by which Germany had grown to be a confident imperial power, then metamorphosed into a republic. They show why parliamentary democracy, to which its new rulers were committed ...

  2. 11. März 2020 · Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, Bd. 10: Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1918 bis 1933. By. pp. €58.00 (hardback). Peter Gay dashed off Weimar Culture: Insider as Outsider in six months during the electrifying year of 1968; the Weimar Republic was, after all, as close to him as the late seventies and early eighties are to us ...

  3. The Weimar Republic was a turbulent and fateful time in German history. Characterized by economic and political instability, polarization, and radicalism, the period witnessed the efforts of many German writers to play a leading political role, whether directly, in the chaotic years of 1918-1919, or indirectly, through their works.

  4. 21. Feb. 2012 · Überblick: Die Literatur der Weimarer Republik sollte erstmals eine breite Öffentlichkeit ansprechen. Dazu wählten die Schriftsteller eine allgemein verständliche Sprache und realitätsbezogene Darstellungen. Die wichtigste literarische Strömung war dabei die sogenannte Neue Sachlichkeit. Weitere Strömungen, die häufig auch als eigene Epochen oder Stile gelten, fielen zugleich in die ...

  5. 9. Feb. 2005 · The literature of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933) is, in the words of Marcel Reich-Ranicki, a literature “between two German catastrophes”. Just as the political, economic, and social history of Germany between 1918 and 1933 can hardly be separated from the decline of the German empire during the First World War or the rise of the “Third Reich” in the 1930s, so too is it nearly ...

  6. 20. Juli 2020 · The Weimar Republic was not doomed to fail, says the historian Robert Gerwarth; it was, in many ways, popularly rooted and successful, and its artistic achievements remain influential to this day. Here he selects five books that illustrate the rich cultural life of the Weimar Republic, its pioneering modernism and the febrile political atmosphere that gripped it in the wake of the Great ...

  7. Es gab viele Stilrichtungen, doch die typischste ist die Neue Sachlichkeit. Auch die Gedichte der Weimarer Republik sind häufig in diesem Stil geschrieben. Und auch die Lyrik beschäftigt sich mit dem Alltag der Menschen. Manche Dichter nutzen Satire als Stilmittel, etwa Erich Kästner oder Kurt Tucholsky. Auch Bertolt Brecht schrieb in den ...