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  1. 前段时间在看Tom Stoppard创作的The Invention of Love,意外地发现电影《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)的编剧之一便是Tom Stoppard。怀揣着一份好奇——对于“古典”了如指掌的剧作家要如何书写大名鼎鼎的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的爱情故事,我在今天下午观摩了这部电影。

  2. 24. Feb. 2020 · Love’s Labour Lost, by William Shakespeare, 1598. (Somebody’s now sure to ask me about flap-dragon. It was the name given to a game in which the players snatched raisins out of a dish of burning brandy and extinguished them in their mouths before eating them. By extension, it was the burning raisins used in the game.)

  3. Ständchen - Serenade. Sehnsucht - Longing. 15. Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor. 16. Serenade No. 2 in A Major for Small Orchestra. 17. Four Songs for Female Chorus, Two Horns and Harp. Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang - I Hear a Harp.

  4. You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too... 你说你喜欢雨,但是你在下雨的时候打伞。.

  5. Dull sublunary lovers’ love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove Those things which elemented it. 【John Donne 】was an English poet, scholar, soldier and secretary born into a Catholic family, a remnant of the Catholic Revival, who reluctantly became a cleric in the Church of England.

  6. In Act-II, Scene-II of Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet says this phrase in reference to family, and the family name of Romeo. She says, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By Any Other Name would smell as sweet.”. This implies that his family name has nothing to do with their love, and they should be together.

  7. William Shakespeare Sonnet 116. 方鹤译 . 让我说忠贞不渝的姻缘. 不容阻碍。当爱遇到变故而改变. 或随着离去之人而屈从消失, 那它就不是爱。 哦不!爱是面对风暴. 也绝不动摇的永驻航标; 它是指引每艘浪迹之帆的星辰, 即使它的高度可测,它的价值也不可估。

  8. 老逊. 踵及文明,旅至光明. 关于人类最伟大诗人之一莎士比亚的十四行诗,. 我最喜欢屠岸的版本,. 毫无疑问这是最忠实于莎翁人文精神的版本。. 看了屠岸的版本,再读其他版本,. 总觉得其他版本缺乏那种立体、大气、包罗万象和节奏的感觉。. 而且诗歌最 ...

  9. 看似荒谬的背景设定,当然只存在于虚构作品,却也为探寻人性的本真提供了良好素材。. 由大卫·芬奇导演的影片《本杰明·巴顿奇事》正是通过如此一段倒转人生来阐释出对人生、成长、梦想和爱情等层面的深刻体悟。. 为了不显得太过突兀,同时增强故事的 ...

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