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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Joseph Ruggles Wilson Sr. (February 28, 1822 – January 21, 1903) was a prominent Presbyterian theologian and father of President Woodrow Wilson, Nashville Banner editor Joseph Ruggles Wilson Jr., and Anne E. Wilson Howe.

  2. Joseph Ruggles Wilson (* 28. Februar 1822 in Steubenville, Ohio; † 21. Januar 1903 in Princeton (New Jersey)) war ein US-amerikanischer presbyterianischer Pfarrer und Theologe .

  3. Kurz: »Als Staatsmann in Paris war er der treue Sohn von Hochwürden Joseph Ruggles Wilson -- überwältigt von Passivität gegenüber seinem Vater.«

    • Correspondence.
    • Discourse.
    • I.
    • II.
    • III.
    • IV.
    • V.

    AUGUSTA, January 7th, 1861. TO THE REV. DR. WILSON:-- Rev. and Dear Sir:--Having heard your sermon on yesterday, and believingit to be of such a character that its free circulation may bringabout great good, and a better understanding of the basis upon whichthe relation of Master and Slave, as it exists in the Southern States, rests;and that, to su...

    EPHESIANS, VI: 5-9:--"Servants, beobedient to them that are yourmasters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singlenessof your heart, as unto Christ; not with eye-service as men-pleasers,but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;with good-will doing service, as to the Lord and not to men; knowingthat whatsoe...

    Our attention isforcibly arrested by the very first wordof this text; "servants." There is no difficulty inascertainingits true meaning, in the original Greek. It distinctlyand unequivocally signifies "slaves," springing as itdoes in this its substantive form from a verbal root, whichmeans to bind. There are several words, conveying differentshades...

    I am sure that you will bear with me while I take anotherstep in this great argument, and show how completelythe Bible brings human slavery underneath the sanction ofdivine authority, upon other and stronger grounds. Indeed,my text compels me to take this course--for, if ourdomestic servitude be essentiallydifferent from that to whichthe Apostle's ...

    Look, first, at the most instructive silence of Scriptureupon this subject. An obvious feature of the sacred word,whose office, in the hands of the Spirit, is to convince ofsin and conduct to righteousness, is this: it never mentionsa grave offence against God without denouncing it directlyor impliedly: denouncing it, too, in the face of everyhuman...

    But look at God's direct and positive utterances inthe premises. I need only pointyou to them, so clearlydo they establish the fact that this part of family orderwas always familiar to the divine mind in its plans of human government. Domestic slavery is twice clearly acknowledgedin the brief law of the Ten Commandments.In the 4th law, with regard ...

    But my hearers, if you wish for further conviction, carryyour belief of the essential rightness of slavery to the injunctionsof our text, which the Apostle publishes for itsconservation and perfection. He as much as says, that it isunnecessary to fear that this long-cherished institution willfirst give way before the enemies who press upon it fromw...

  4. 26. Mai 2015 · Joseph Ruggles Wilson, the father of the 28th President was born in Steubenville, Ohio and it was here that he met his future wife, Janet Jesse Woodrow, in 1846. Janet was a student at the Steubenville Female Seminary and was participating in a parade that passed the Wilson home on North Sixth Street.

  5. 7. Nov. 2022 · In 1867, a second son was born to the Wilsons, Joseph Ruggles, Jr. When the states seceded from the Union and the Civil War began, the Old School Presbyterians living in the Confederacy left the Old School PCUSA to form the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America (PCCSA).

  6. Rev. Joseph Ruggles Wilson and Janet Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson was born to Joseph Ruggles Wilson, a Presbyterian minister, and Janet Woodrow Wilson in Staunton, Virginia, on December 28, 1856 . The couple…