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  1. › wiki › PhratagunePhratagune - Wikipedia

    Phratagune (or Phratagone) was a princess of ancient Persia, the only daughter of Artanes, who lived around the 5th century BCE. Phratagune's father gave her in marriage to his brother, her uncle, Darius the Great.

  2. Abrokomas († 11. August 480 v. Chr. bei den Thermopylen) war ein Sohn des persischen Großkönigs Dareios I. und der Phratagune. Phratagune war die Tochter von Artanes, Bruder von Dareios. Für Abrokomes war deswegen Dareios zugleich Vater und Großonkel.

  3. Phratagune Phratagune, one of Darius' wives. Hdt. 7.224. Created in electronic form. The Annenberg CPB/Project provided support for entering this text.

  4. An ancient Greek stringed instrument [see lyre]. Associated in Archaic vase paintings with Apollo and Artemis (also see Homeric Hymn to Apollo 3. 182-85), "phorminx" as a term used rather interchangeably with "kitharis" (kithara) in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

  5. › en › PhratagunePhratagune - Wikiwand

    Phratagune was a princess of ancient Persia, the only daughter of Artanes, who lived around the 5th century BCE.

  6. borne to Darius by Phratagune, the daughter of Artanes. Scholars have noted the apparent oddity of Herodotus remarking that he learned the names of the 3003 but then failing to give those names, and indeed some have faulted him for not doing so.4 Yet it is hard to see how such a list

  7. Phratagu'ne. ( Φραταγούνη) a wife of Dareius I., king of Persia, whose two children by this monarch fell at the battle of Thermopylae. ( Hdt. 7.224 .) [ABROCOMES.] William Smith. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. London. John Murray: printed by Spottiswoode and Co.,