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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Dōshisha-Universität ist eine private Universität in der Präfektur Kyōto, Japan. Studentenzahl ist 24.000. Die Studenten werden auf zwei Campus verteilt. Die Doshisha besteht aus 9 Fakultäten. Die Dōshisha unterhält ein ausgedehntes Austauschprogramm mit der Fakultät für Japanologie an der Universität Tübingen.

  2. This is the official website of Doshisha University, founded in 1875. The site provides information on the university, its educational and research activities, entrance examinations, events, and the activities of faculty members and students.

  3. Doshisha University (同志社大学, Dōshisha daigaku), also referred to as Dodai (同大, Dōdai), is a private university in Kyoto, Japan. Established in 1875, it is one of Japan's oldest private institutions of higher learning, and has approximately 30,000 students enrolled on four campuses in Kyoto. [1]

  4. Study at Doshisha. Every year, many students from around the world come to study at the University to learn about the Japanese language and culture. In addition to programs taught in Japanese, undergraduate and graduate courses that can be completed solely in English are also available.

  5. This is the official website of Doshisha University, founded in 1875. The site provides information on the university, its educational and research activities, entrance examinations, events, and the activities of faculty members and students.

  6. This is an official website for international students at Doshisha University. We provide information for foreigners who want to study abroad at Doshisha University, from the school philosophy to student life in Kyoto.

  7. Doshisha was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima in 1875 as the first Japanese school advocating the teaching of Christianity. Doshisha has about 28,000 students and about 1,100 of them are from outside Japan. We offers English-based degree programs designed for degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students. 【English-based Degree Programs】