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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Pursuit of Equality is a 2005 American documentary film directed by Geoff Callan and Mike Shaw, about the struggle of same-sex couples for marriage equality in the United States. Its focus is mostly on the same-sex marriages performed in San Francisco from February 12 to March 11, 2004. A major fundraising event for Equality California was also ...

  2. Analysis and insights for driving a rapid transition to net-zero while building resilience to physical climate impacts. Standards and guidelines for development co-operation with concrete examples of their implementation. Policies on gender equality a driver of economic growth, democracy and social cohesion. As the trend towards the ...

  3. Yet in the most diverse nation on the planet, the notion of equality has proved elusive. A cursory survey of American history reveals the many ways in which Americans have not been treated equally under the law. We need think only of the treatment of African Americans in slavery and later in Jim Crow segregation, of women and their lack of full ...

  4. Consider the following litany of objections to equality. Some critics argue that the pursuit of equality is futile. For no two people are really equal: the diversity of individuals in their talents, aims, social identities, and circumstances ensures that in achieving equality in some domain,

  5. Equality is at the heart of human rights, and at the heart of the solutions required to carry us through this period of global crisis. That doesn’t mean we must all look the same, think the same or act the same.

  6. The other study by Alexander ( 2016) takes brief examples from texts that depict gross violations of equality as a concept and argues that “the pursuit of equality beyond equality before the law and a generous safety net is to be resisted. That pursuit tends to produce impoverishment and repression.

  7. The pursuit of freedom and the pursuit of equality are equally significant ideals for the Enlightenment, even though they may not be wholly compatible. Yet the pursuit remains as elusive as the pursuit of happiness, and our different interpretations of what we mean by equality are even threatening to destroy us. Considering