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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Sigismund Thalberg war ein österreichischer Komponist und einer der prominentesten Klaviervirtuosen des 19. Jahrhunderts.

  2. Sigismond Thalberg (8 January 1812 – 27 April 1871) was an Austrian composer and one of the most distinguished virtuoso pianists of the 19th century.

  3. 9. Dez. 2017 · The composer-pianist Sigismund Thalberg (1812-1871) is one such figure. Lauded by royalty and critics alike, the one-time rival of Liszt is now only known to students of music history and pianophiles. Let us begin by briefly examining his early life.

  4. Biographie. Thalberg: Sigismund Th., der natürliche Sohn des Fürsten Dietrichstein und der Baronin von Wetzlar, geboren am 7. Januar 1812 zu Genf, † am 26. April 1871 auf seiner Villa bei Neapel; neben Liszt der am meisten bewunderte Claviervirtuose seiner Zeit.

  5. 7. Jan. 2019 · 8. Januar 1812 - Sigismund Thalberg wird geboren Sympathischer Künstler. 07.01.2019 von Katharina Neuschaefer. 08.01.1812: Musikalisch höchst begabt und dann auch noch fast unerträglich...

  6. Sigismond Thalberg (born Jan. 8, 1812, Geneva, Switz.—died April 27, 1871, Posillipo, Italy) was the leading rival of Franz Liszt as a virtuoso pianist. Thalberg began performing at the age of 14 in Viennese salons.

  7. Thalberg’s playing was characterized by grace, elegance, and perfection of finish in detail. His style was suave, courteous, and aristocratic. Being a pupil of Hummel, who had in turn taken lessons of Mozart for two years, it was quite within the line of descent that he should have acquired the extremely smooth legato touch of those masters ...