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  1. › wiki › BogudBogud – Wikipedia

    Bogud folgte zu einem nicht genau bekannten Zeitpunkt gemeinsam mit Bocchus II. dem König Mastane Sosus in der Herrschaft über Mauretanien. Dabei regierte Bogud den westlichen und Bocchus II. den östlichen Teil des Königreichs. Aus Filiationsangaben der Umschriften erhaltener Münzen des Bocchus II. wurde geschlossen, dass dieser ein Sohn des Mastane Sosus war. Ob Bogud ein Bruder des ...

  2. › wiki › BogudBogud - Wikipedia

    Bogud (died 31 BC), son of King Mastanesosus of Mauretania, [1] was a Berber joint king of Mauretania with his elder brother Bocchus II, with Bocchus ruling east of the Moulouya River and his brother west.

  3. Bell. Alex. 62.) Again, during Caesar's campaign in Africa, B. C. 46, Mauretania was invaded unsuccessfully by the young Cn. Pompey; and when Juba, the Numidian, was hastening to join his forces to those of Q. Metellus Scipio, Bogud attacked his dominions at the instigation of the Roman exile P. Sitius, and obliged him to return for their defence.

  4. › wiki › BogudBogud — Wikipédia

    Bogud (en berbère : ⴱⵓⴳⵓⴷ Bugud) est un roi de Maurétanie. Il gouverne conjointement le royaume avec son grand-frère Bocchus II, avec Bocchus régnant à l'Est de la rivière Moulouya, et son frère à l'Ouest. Il sera toutefois destitué en 38 av. J.-C., date à partir de laquelle son frère règne seul sur l’ensemble ...

  5. › Georges-1913 › ABogud -

    Bogud, udis, m., Sohn des Königs Bocchus von Mauretania Tingitana und dessen Nachfolger in der Regierung, Bundesgenosse Cäsars, später des Antonius, zuletzt durch Agrippa gefangen genommen u. hingerichtet (31 v. Chr.), Asin.

  6. King of Mauretania jointly with *Bocchus II, ruling the later Tingitana. (Both were sons of *Bocchus I.) He fought for *Caesar in Spain and Africa and played a major part at Munda. After Caesar's death he fought for M. *Antonius (2) against Octavian's commanders in Spain, but his subjects rebelled and Bocchus, who had supported Octavian, seized ...

  7. …another son of Bocchus I, Bogud, succeeded their father to the rule of Mauretania about 50 bc. Bocchus ruled the part east of the Mulucha River (present-day Moulouya River in Morocco), Bogud the part west of it. They supported Julius Caesar against the Pompeians and King Juba I in Africa…