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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · En ese contexto, André Breton publicaba su Manifiesto surrealista. "Los artistas, en ese momento necesitaban expresarse, los dibujantes dibujaban, los pintores, pintaban, y los fotógrafos ...

  2. Vor 4 Tagen · An early signatory to André Breton’s Surrealist manifesto, he broke with the movement not once but twice. In both Surrealist phases, his work was by turns burningly cerebral and slightly mad. A reconstruction in the show of Masson’s library of more than 2,000 books suggests the ferocity of his intellect: Promethean is hardly too strong a ...

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial, y con el psicoanálisis freudiano como telón de fondo, el surrealismo surgió como movimiento que impulsaba la esfera inconsciente e intangible de los sueños y deseos más íntimos, abrazando las posibilidades creativas de la psique humana, y en ese contexto, André Breton publicó su Manifiesto surrealista.

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · Aktuell sind ihre Arbeiten unter dem Titel „Meret Oppenheim & Friends“ im Kunsthaus Apolda zu sehen. Der Ausstellungstermin ist ganz bewusst gewählt: 1924, vor 100 Jahren, versammelte André Breton in Paris Gesinnungsfreunde um sich, um eine „surrealistische Weltrevolution“ auf den Weg zu bringen. In den Kreis der Avantgardisten ...

  5. Vor 2 Tagen · When André Breton came to Mexico he said it was the chosen Country of surrealism. Breton saw all kinds of surrealist things happen here every day. The surrealists are more into dreaming, into the absurd and into the ridiculous uselesness of things. My work is always criticizing the absurdity of things. I am an idealist. I am certain that very soon now humanity will arrive at a marvelous epoch ...

  6. 31. Mai 2024 · André Breton, en 1932 rendra un hommage au Facteur Cheval à travers un poème intituléLe Revolver à cheveux blancs”. De même, l’artiste Max Ernst a réalisé une œuvre hommage à Ferdinand Cheval qui est exposée à la Fondation Guggenheim à Venise .

  7. Vor 2 Tagen · The album’s title is lifted from the work of Surrealist poet Philip Lamantia, who was accepted into the surrealists as a teenager by André Breton, and went on to be heavily associated with the Beats, participating in peyote ceremonies. Reading Lamantia’s poetry offers a window into Wada’s compositions. Both have an existential and hallucinatory quality, with unexpected emergences and ...