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  1. Jenny Julia Eleanor Marx[1] (* 16. Januar 1855 in London; † 31. März 1898 ebenda) war eine deutsch-englische Sozialistin, Publizistin, Vortragsrednerin und Übersetzerin. Sie war die jüngste Tochter von Jenny und Karl Marx.

  2. › wiki › Eleanor_MarxEleanor Marx - Wikipedia

    Jenny Julia Eleanor Marx (16 January 1855 – 31 March 1898), sometimes called Eleanor Aveling and known to her family as Tussy, was the English-born youngest daughter of Karl Marx. She was herself a socialist activist who sometimes worked as a literary translator.

  3. 3. Feb. 2003 · Eleanor Marx war hübsch, klug, und von unerschöpflicher Energie. Sie schrieb für sozialistische Publikationen in England, Frankreich und Deutschland, dolmetschte bei den großen...

  4. 26. Dez. 2020 · Eleanor Marx, 1855 in London geboren, war wie Nabokov in mehreren Sprachen aufgewachsen, war literatur- und theaterbegeistert und der Liebling ihres "Dear Dada". War er fort, machte sie ihm...

  5. Eleanor Marx. geboren am 16. Januar 1855 in London. gestorben am 31. März 1898 in London. 125. Todestag am 31. März 2023. Biografie • Zitate • Literatur & Quellen.

  6. 29. Mai 2021 · Ihren eigenen Vater wähnt Eleanor (Romola Garai) post mortem in der Hölle angekommen: Ohne falsche Scheu ergreift Karl Marx’ jüngste von insgesamt drei Töchtern vor Papas Londoner Grabmal das Wort.

  7. 18. Juni 2023 · Eleanor Marx. 1855-1898. Biography: From Encyclopedia of Marxism. By E P Thompson. Writings: The Rev. W Landsell, D.D., March 1883. Karl Marx, May-June 1883. Marx's Theory of Value, June 1883. Underground Russia, August-September 1883. Record of the International Popular Movement, January-July 1884. The Irish Dynamiters, May 1884.

  8. Eleanor Marx, the youngest of Karl Marx’s daughters, was an immensely talented scholar and activist in her own right. Born in 1855 in the Marx family’s cramped and squalid Soho dwellings, ‘Tussy’ – as she was known from a young age – would go on to act as her father’s amanuensis and posthumous translator. At a time when leftist ...

  9. 26. Nov. 2014 · Eleanor Marx changed the world and in so-doing revolutionised herself. Internationalist, socialist, feminist, trade unionist – I’m compelled to write about a great British historical hero because she’s so relevant. Born in 1855 in a garret to poor political exiles, Eleanor’s arrival was disappointing to her philosopher father ...

  10. 10. Juli 2018 · Eleanor Marx is one of the most tragically overlooked feminist intellectuals in history, usually overshadowed by her father, Karl Marx. But not only did she edit, translate, transcribe and...