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Kelly + Victor is a 2012 romantic drama film written and directed by Kieran Evans, based on Niall Griffiths 's 2002 novel of the same name. Starring Antonia Campbell-Hughes and Julian Morris, the film follows a young couple embarking on a passionate love affair.
Kelly (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) und Victor (Julian Morris) treffen sich eines nachts in einer Discothek und gehen eine sexuelle Beziehung miteinander ein, die sie von...
- Kieran Evans
20. Sept. 2013 · It's when they make love that their darker instincts take over. Directed by Kieran Evans, Kelly + Victor is a devastating story of obsessive love anchored by two complex but tender performances...
Kelly + Victor ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2012 von Kieran Evans mit Antonia Campbell-Hughes und Julian Morris. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Kelly +...
Kelly + Victor is a raw compelling passionate love story set agai... Adapted by Kieran Evans from the acclaimed novel by Niall Griffiths, and shot in Liverpool.
- 1 Min.
- 39,1K
- The Works Trailers
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Kelly + Victor. BAFTA FILM AWARD® winner. After meeting at a nightclub, Kelly and Victor are removed from their dull, ordinary lives when they start an exciting sexual relationship. IMDb 5.6 1 h 30 min 2013 16+. Drama • Romance • Coarse • Passionate.