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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The CAMPUS plastics information system offers free online datasheets for resins from participating material producers. CAMPUS is the only database that exclusively offers high quality and comparable material information, absolutely restricted to uniform standards.

  2. › campus › deCAMPUSplastics | De

    Information and datasheets about technical plastics.

  3. CAMPUS is the only database which exclusively offers truly comparable material data measured according to binding international standards. It offers valuable material data, including single point values for all relevant categories and extensive multipoint data (curves) with engineering data, chemical resistence and aging properties, powerful ...

  4. › services › product_support_troubleshootingCAMPUS® - BASF

    CAMPUS ® (Computer Aided Material Preselection by Uniform Standards) ist die einzige Datenbank für Kunststoffe, die absolut vergleichbare Werkstoffdaten anbietet. Diese werden entsprechend bindender internationaler Vorschriften ermittelt.

  5. › services › product_support_troubleshootingCAMPUS® - BASF

    CAMPUS ® (Computer Aided Material Preselection by Uniform Standards) is the only plastics database that provides high quality comparable material information measured according to binding international standards.

  6. CAMPUS is the internationally established database for plastic materials. It is available from leading material suppliers world wide. The plastics properties catalogue includes single-point data, multi-point data, processing data, product description texts and customer service information.

  7. CAMPUS is the internationally established database for plastic materials. It is available from leading material suppliers world wide. The plastics properties catalogue includes single-point data, multi-point data, processing data, product description texts and customer service information.

  8. › campus › desktopCAMPUSplastics | Desktop

    CAMPUS is the only database which exclusively offers truly comparable material data measured according to binding international standards. CAMPUS is available as interactive online version or as PC desktop version for installation on your local computer.

  9. Vous êtes étudiants ? Construire votre projet professionnel, intégrer le monde de l’entreprise, trouver votre voie ou concrétiser un projet, le Plasticampus regroupe des établissements d’enseignements secondaire ( collèges et lycées ) et d’enseignement supérieur, de formation initiale ou continue pour vous accompagner dans toutes ...

  10. › materialien › campus-materialdatenbankCAMPUS® -

    CAMPUS® ist die international erfolgreichste Materialdatenbank für Kunststoffe. Ca. 50 führende Rohstoffhersteller haben sich weltweit diesem System angeschlossen. Die wesentlichen Merkmale von CAMPUS® sind: Einheitliche, aussagekräftige und vergleichbare Kennwerte.