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  1. The single most frequent offence listed, especially at the senior schools, was absconding, typically punished with a caning of the maximum 8 strokes. This would be carried out immediately on the runaway's return, and would leave him with heavily wealed and sore buttocks for a week or more.

  2. 11. Nov. 2023 · Sentenced To The Birch. At the turn of the century corporal punishment for boys took many forms whether in the home, school or governmental institution. One well know instrument of correction of course was the birch, featured in the clip.

  3. 23. Sept. 2018 · punishment was given which was evidently corporal in nature, and thus not officially permitted, but which was tacitly approved of by the inspectorate who believed that it was necessary if the schools were to keep good order.

    • Corporal Punishment
    • Safeguards
    • Frequency of Corporal Punishment
    • Punishment Returns
    • Summary of Recommendations

    46. The Approved School Rules authorize the infliction of corporal punishment by a cane or tawse under specified conditions. Boys of 15 and under may be given not more than three strokes on each hand with a cane; boys under 15 may be given not more than six strokes on the seat with cane or tawse; boys of 15 and over may be given eight strokes, or e...

    49. The safeguards against the excessive use of corporal punishment in approved schools are considerable. Every case where corporal punishment is inflicted must be recorded immediately in the punishment book which every school must keep. This book must be inspected regularly by the managers and the school medical officer and a return made quarterly...

    52. It is stated in the Statutory Rules that "every effort shall be made to enforce discipline without resort to corporal punishment", and we are satisfied that in the very large majority of cases the cane is used judiciously and never excessively. Some schools do not use corporal punishment at all and it is not allowed in senior girls' schools. Bu...

    71. Under Rule 37 every headmaster is responsible for immediately recording all corporal or other serious punishments in the school punishment book. All approved schools are also required to send in a quarterly punishment return to the Chief Inspector of the Children's Department. A special form is provided with headings: DATE, NAME, AGE, OFFENCE, ...

    [...] 14. A longer cane of slightly smaller diameter should be substituted for the cane at present in use in senior boys' schools. (Paragraph 48.) 15. The mental state of boys who need repeated corporal punishment should always be most carefully investigated. (Paragraph 50.) 16. The Rules should be amended to require headmasters to have a second me...

  4. The prison reform movement thus marks the increased racialization of corporal punishment. Nevertheless, several documents at the end of this collection reveal the intimate connections between the prison reform and slave abolitionist movements as well as those working on behalf of veterans, the poor, or the mentally ill. For example, novel ...

  5. 27. Aug. 2015 · Gender as a social process is key to reading and interpreting the materiality of the St John's Reformatory for girls. Gender frames, informs and contextualises the materiality of the site, its aims, its operation and thus its archaeological interpretation.

  6. This institution’s purpose was to reform through the imparting of a Catholic hegemony of “appropriate” female behaviour and sexuality; this hegemony was supported by enculturation, which