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  1. 19. Feb. 2021 · Mit den in diesem Artikel vorgestellten PHP-Blogskripten können Sie eine selbst gehostete Blogging-Plattform betreiben, einen unabhängigen Blog erstellen oder einen Blog zu Ihrer bestehenden Website hinzufügen.

  2. 11. Juli 2022 · Learn how to create a blog with PHP scripts that have built-in content management systems. Compare features, prices, and reviews of the best-selling PHP blog scripts on CodeCanyon.

    • Weebly: Flexibilität und kostenlose Funktionsvielfalt. Weebly ist in der Blogging-Welt nicht wirklich bekannt, was wir schade finden. Denn die Blogging-Lösung ist ausgezeichnet und liefert Ihnen hohe Flexibilität und zahlreiche Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.
    • Wix: der König unter den Homepage-Baukästen. Wix ist unserer Meinung nach der meistverwendete, bekannteste und am häufigsten empfohlene Homepage-Baukasten.
    • das Blogging-Kraftpaket. Wichtig zu wissen: Es gibt und Die Plattformen werden häufig verwechselt. Wir haben eine Eselsbrücke, um sie auseinanderzuhalten
    • leistungsstark, aber komplex in der Einrichtung. Schauen wir uns nun die Software an, die auf zu finden ist. Wir können es nicht oft genug wiederholen: Das ist nur die Software.
  3. 13. Apr. 2022 · Wenn Sie nur über ein begrenztes Budget verfügen, sollten Sie sich fünf der besten kostenlosen PHP-Skripten ansehen. 1. AdminPanel. AdminPanel ist ein kostenloses PHP-Skript, das Ihnen Zugang zu den Kontrollfunktionen Ihrer Website gewährt, indem es dynamische Seiten und Datengitter erstellt.

    • Daniel Strongin
    • Jekyll
    • Listed
    • Ghost
    • Hugo
    • Hexo
    • Pelican
    • Bolt
    • Poet
    • Nikola
    • Toto

    Probably the most popular static site generator. Jekyll is a static site generator. It creates a website out of your markup files. Many high-traffic sites are built with Jekyll, and it is known to deliver relatively fast and secure websites. Twitch Con, UN World Statistics, and Netflix Devicesare examples of sites built with Jekyll. To get started,...

    Listed is a minimal, no-interface, open-source platform where you can post your articles using the Standard Noteswith a paid yearly subscription. I added this in my list because this platform allows for cryptocurrency tipping and paywall. So if you're currently working on understanding cryptocurrency, this might be a good starting place. Listed com...

    Ghostis open-source and non-profit, and very focused on content. The company behind Ghost shares their revenue publicly, but the platform does not offer a free plan. It hosts approximately less than 1% of the web population.

    Hugo is blazing fast. Its website claims Hugois one of the most popular open-source static site generators. Hugo is built around Google Go's programming language and is created with speed in mind. Smashing Magazine, a very popular magazine for designers and developers, switched to Hugo last year. Like other static site generators, Hugo translates y...

    Hexois powered by Node.js. You need to install Node.js and Git first before installing Hexo. It renders in super speed and is compatible with large websites. Most reviews claim that deployment with Hexo is fast and easy. It is a hacker-friendly platform with support for the following markup languages: HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, and Org-Mode. Hexo al...

    Pelicanis written in Python. It requires no database or server-side logic. Your content can be written in reStructuredText, Markdown, or AsciiDoc. Pelican supports multiple languages and lets you import your content from other services, like WordPress. It supports features like code syntax highlighting, RSS feeds and atom, social media integration,...

    Boltis a free, lightweight content management system (CMS) that uses Twig for it's templating. The backend interface is responsive and mobile. To install, you will use either the command line or an FTP client. The architecture is clean and is relatively easy to learn.

    Poetis a blog generator in Node.js. The neat thing about Poet is that it lets you use whatever markup language you are comfortable with, Markdown, Jade, whatever you want. It lets you customize the routes for your blog posts and pages quite simply.

    Nikola provides multilingual support. Nikolatranslates markup files in Markdown, IPython (Jupyter) Notebooks, HTML, reStructuredText, Markdown and HTML. It is fast, because it only rebuilds the pages that need rebuilding to save CPU time and upload bandwidth. Nikola can help you switch from various other blogging platforms, such as Blogger, Wordpre...

    A site made with toto. Designed for hackers, totois a minimalist blogging platform running entirely on Git. You get to control the version of your content the way you control your code. Articles are stored in .txt files, and templating is done through ERB. Its read me file on GitHub defines toto as “the tiniest blogging engine in Oz!” Even more, it...

  4. 🔥 Simple PHP blog system application based on the MVC pattern and written in PHP 5.5. This project can be used as a Base MVC "framework" to start your PHP project easily under good development patterns and good development practice and organization.

  5. 25. März 2024 · Get 174 blog PHP scripts on CodeCanyon such as Instant Blog - Fast & Simple Blog Php Script, Athena - Laravel Creative Multilingual Blog, Katen - Blog & Magazine Laravel Script.