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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords. The dictionary shows words commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions, common phrases.

  2. The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords. The dictionary shows words commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions, common phrases.

  3. Oxford dictionary Search Or you can check other dicts: null collins definition (English , 中文解释 ), wordnet sense ,

  4. Collocation extraction is a task that extracts collocations automatically from a corpus, using computational linguistics. This site provide an oxford dictionary online, which provides around 9000 words with collocations.

  5. problem noun. 1 sth that causes difficulties. ADJ. acute, big, enormous, grave, great, serious Our greatest problem is the lack of funds. | little, minor, petty | complex, complicated, difficult, knotty, thorny | growing | basic, central, main, major | common | pressing, urgent | immediate | insoluble, insuperable, insurmountable, intractable ...

  6. worth noun. ADJ. real, true | intrinsic, objective Study has an intrinsic worth, as well as helping you achieve your goals. | individual, own, personal, self | moral | economic, financial, market Some experts doubt the economic worth of the project.

  7. Oxford dictionary. equal adj. 1 same in size/quantity/value, etc. VERBS be | become | make sth We moved some of the better players to make the two sides equal.

  8. obvious adj. VERBS appear, be, look, seem, sound | become It soon became obvious that the machine did not work. | make sth His manner made it obvious he didn't like her. ADV. blatantly, blindingly, extremely, glaringly, patently, transparently, very | completely, perfectly, quite The answer is perfectly obvious! | increasingly | by no means ...

  9. spark noun. 1 small bright piece of burning material/electric flash. ADJ. tiny | flying | electric. VERB + SPARK emit, produce, send (out), shower, strike The firework showered sparks all over the lawn. His iron-tipped stick struck sparks from the pavement.

  10. rule noun. 1 what you can or cannot do, say, etc. ADJ. basic, cardinal, first, fundamental, golden | ground ~s You and your flatmates should establish some ground rules. | general | formal, official, written | informal, unwritten | rigid, strict, stringent | absolute, hard and fast There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing a ...