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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Cuba y Honduras: más Castro y menos inversión. Rafaela Cruz 7. El predecible destino de Honduras, tras recientes 'logros' de su presidenta, Xiomara Castro, es que, como ha pasado en la Isla, la inversión privada se retraiga, descapitalizando al país y volviéndolo menos productivo.

  2. Seven facts reflecting the collapse of Cuban sports, subordinated to politics. Dimas CastellanosLa Habana. Cuba's debacle in Paris asks us to identify just when sports were monopolized by the State and subordinated to politics. A selection in English of our best articles concerning Cuba.

  3. In recent years, journalists have become a priority target of State Security, and virtually all members of the DIARIO DE CUBA team on the Island have suffered from some kind of retaliation. Several have suffered arrests of up to three days, searches of their homes, and the theft of work equipment and family property.

  4. Not even Minister Gil believes it. If a Japanese minister were to announce the data that Gil did to Cubans, he would commit seppuku over the enormous shame of his absolute failure. The Cuban, however, does not even blush. A vendor at an agricultural market in Havana.

  5. DDCValencia. 'Por primera vez, la ministra dio la cara', dice a DIARIO DE CUBA una de las doctoras cubanas que esperan la homologación de sus títulos en España. Última hora y análisis sobre la actualidad en Cuba: política, economía, deportes, cultura.

  6. Jardines, que padece cáncer de laringe, ha sido sometido a condiciones severas de aislamiento, intimidación y agresiones físicas en la prisión Aguacate, en Quivicán, Mayabeque. Última hora y análisis sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Cuba, con protagonismo de activistas en la Isla.

  7. The new Cuban Penal Code contains articles that are especially dangerous for civil society and that have already been analyzed in DIARIO DE CUBA: Article 120, "The arbitrary exercise of constitutional rights and/or liberties," and Article 143, "Other crimes against the security of the State".

  8. Economía en Cuba: información y análisis sobre trabajo por cuenta propia, mercado, remesas, impuestos, inversión.

  9. Cuba's new Public Health Law will not include the practice of euthanasia, although it recognizes the right to a dignified death, according to the draft version of the law, which is available on the websites of the National Assembly of Popular Power (ANPP) and the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP).

  10. The exodus of doctors: a reflection of Cuba's health system. Professionals who have resumed their careers in other countries share their experiences and compare the conditions under which they now work with those they left on the island. Brenda González Betancourt. Matanzas 26 Sep 2024 - 11:18 CEST.

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