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  1. Ezreal is pretty neutral in general and I wouldn’t say he counters or is countered by anyone as much as other picks, but Sivir and Kog’maw always felt the worst for me. Generally range, movespeed or both feel bad for Ezreal because it largely invalidates his main strengths, being his own range and the ability E away if things get spotty. If they can just catch up to you, E doesn’t matter ...

  2. 5. Feb. 2022 · Ezreal is the only ADC who can safely farm from 1200 range without losing too much CS, no ADC in the game can punish that. As for Supports I’d say Braum, Lulu, Soraka, and Yuumi are the biggest counters. Braum E is basically a windwall that moves. Lulu E blocks all meaningful poke, W stops any engage attempts.

  3. 15. Apr. 2022 · Draven. Technically, Ezreal counters Draven, Samira, and Veigar. From my experience, I find Aphelios, Caitlyn, and Senna really easy to deal with. None of these champions can reach you without you or your team messing up. Now for who counters Ezreal, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

  4. Against yuumi+ezreal in lane you push or you take an engage asap. The combo has a lot of poke and can sustain through counter poke, but has weak pushing power and a notable PvP damage deficit early on if forced into a fight. What you can't do is hold the lane around the middle or let them push onto you, as that opens you up to being poked ...

  5. 28. Okt. 2022 · Seraphine Ezreal Noxus is the most popular deck of the patch by a huge margin. In the past 7 days, this archetype has a 13.9% playrate with over 100,000 matches . When a deck has a playrate of this caliber, it's usually a decent strategy to use counter decks for your ladder climb. In this article, I will be featuring 12 decks that can counter ...

  6. 13. Sept. 2020 · Bro_miscuous. • 4 yr. ago. Nothing counters Ezreal because he has the power to play passive Vs a losing lane and not turbofeed (like vs Draven Leona). I just ban the stuff I'm bad playing against, like Thresh, Zed... or whatever is fotm like Caitlyn or Senna or Ashe a few months ago. 3.

  7. SheWantsAD. • 5 yr. ago. For Countering ezreal specifically make sure you punish him for using his arcane shift (E) and stay behide minions and your support when he’s spamming his Q. Avoid letting him trade with you if his w is up. Because his w proc is his main source of burst damage.

  8. 16. Juli 2023 · Farm up and teamfight, MF is better than ezreal at teamfights. If you can track his flash and blink, you can ult him to death in teamfights if he doesn’t have mobility. In lane 1v1, if he blinks in you can all in him. Flash to dodge his damage, auto him and ult when he’s out of range. If you dodge his essence flux burst or ult.

  9. 25. Juli 2022 · Keystones. Ezreal has 5 viable keystones: Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo, Conqueror, First Strike, and Dark Harvest. Press the Attack: Good overall. Strong burst, but also good DPS. I don't find myself picking it too often, but it is definitely a solid alternative in every situation.

  10. 27. Mai 2021 · Generally speaking, Ezreal is a pretty safe champion that is not easy to deliberately counter, but he definitely does have his weaknesses, like body blocking and early game skirmishing in the minion waves. When you see an Ezreal, you should generally look at your comp and try to round it up. Alternatively, try to pick a roaming support and pray ...

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