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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Der Freistaat Preußen war das größte Land des Deutschen Reiches während der Weimarer Republik. Es war ein nach der Novemberrevolution 1918 als parlamentarische Demokratie aus dem Königreich Preußen hervorgegangener Freistaat. Im Reich erwies sich das Land Preußen politisch stabiler als das Reich.

  2. › wiki › PreußenPreußen – Wikipedia

    Nach dem Sturz der Monarchie in der Novemberrevolution von 1918 wurde aus dem Königreich der republikanisch verfasste Freistaat Preußen, der während der Weimarer Republik ein Bollwerk der Demokratie war.

    • Establishment
    • Structure
    • State and Administration
    • Political System
    • Weimar Republic
    • National Socialist Era
    • Formal Dissolution

    Revolution of 1918–1919

    On 9 November 1918, in the early days of the Revolution of 1918–1919 that brought down the German monarchy, Prince Maximilian von Baden, the last Chancellor of the German Empire – who like most of his predecessors was also Minister President of Prussia – announced the abdication of Wilhelm II as German Emperor and King of Prussiabefore he had in fact done so. On the same day, Prince Maximilian transferred the office of Reich Chancellor to Friedrich Ebert, the chairman of the Majority SPD (MSP...

    Revolutionary cabinet

    On 13 November the new government confiscated the royal property and placed it under the Ministry of Finance. The following day, the Majority and Independent Social Democrats formed the Prussian revolutionary cabinet along the lines of the coalition at the Reich level. It included Paul Hirsch, Eugen Ernst and Otto Braun of the MSPD and Heinrich Ströbel, Adolph Hoffmann and Kurt Rosenfeld of the USPD. Almost all departments were under ministers from both parties. Hirsch and Ströbel became join...

    Political change and its limits

    On 14 November the Prussian House of Lords (Herrenhaus) was abolished and the House of Representatives dissolved. The replacement of political elites, however, remained limited during the early years. In many cases the former royal district administrators (Landräte) continued to hold office as if there had been no revolution. Complaints against them by the workers' councils were either dismissed or ignored by Interior Minister Wolfgang Heine(MSPD). When conservative district administrators th...


    Most of the German territorial cessions stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles affected Prussia. Eupen-Malmedy went to Belgium, Danzig became a free city under the administration of the League of Nations, and the Memel Territory came under Allied administration before ultimately going to Lithuania. The Hultschiner Ländchen went to Czechoslovakia, large areas of the provinces of Posen and West Prussia became part of the new state of Poland, and East Prussia was separated from the rest of Reich...


    After 1918 the population did not increase as rapidly as it had before the war. In addition to the continuation of the demographic transition of modern industrial societies to lower birth rates, the losses of the First World War were also a factor. The large population movements within Prussia slowed. In contrast to the period before 1914, more people were moving into Prussia from foreign countries than were emigrating. In-migration from ceded territories along with increasing immigration, es...

    Settlement patterns and urban growth

    Urbanization and urban growth lost momentum compared to the pre-1914 period. Population increases in larger cities were caused not so much by in-migration as by incorporation. This was the case with the formation of Greater Berlin in 1920, when 7 cities, 56 rural communities and 29 estate districts were incorporated. Even more extensive and consequential for the formation of large cities were the municipal reforms in the Ruhr region at the end of the 1920s. There were still considerable geogr...

    Administrative divisions

    The Free State consisted of twelve provinces plus Berlin, whose status corresponded to that of a province. The Hohenzollern Lands in southern Germany were a unique type of administrative district (Regierungsbezirk) that was not a true province but that had almost all the rights of one. The provinces were headed by governors (Oberpräsidenten) appointed by the Ministry of State. There was in addition a provincial council consisting of the governor, a member appointed by the Minister of the Inte...


    See also: Constitution of the Free State of Prussia – via Wikisource.(Full text in English) Carl Severing did not submit a draft constitution until 26 April 1920 because of delays caused by the Kapp Putsch and the wait for the Reich constitution, which was ratified on 11 August 1919. On 30 November 1920 the State Assembly adopted the constitution of the Free State of Prussia. 280 deputies voted in favor, 60 against and 7 abstained. The DNVPand independent deputies in particular voted against...

    Relationship to the Reich

    The Weimar Constitution and the new Prussian Constitution permanently changed the relationship between the Reich and Prussia. Unlike during the empire, the executive branch at the Reich level was completely independent of Prussia's. The same person was no longer both Reich Chancellor and Prussian Minister President. The great importance of state taxes declined in favor of a central tax administration. The Reich had fiscal sovereignty and distributed revenues to the states. Along with the mili...

    Party system

    The Prussian party system – made up of conservatism (German National People's Party, DNVP), political Catholicism (Centre Party), liberalism (German People's Party, DVP, and German Democratic Party, DDP), social democracy (Majority Social Democratic Party, MSPD) and socialism/communism (Independent Social Democratic Party, USPD, and Communist Party of Germany, KPD) – corresponded to that at the Reich level. The DNVP had a special affinity to the former Prussian monarchy. Among the regional pa...

    Democratization of the state administration

    During the revolution, Prussian civil servants declared that their loyalty was not to the monarchy but to the Prussian state. Initially, the government, and in particular the Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Heine (SPD), largely refrained from reorganizing the state administration in the spirit of the Republic. Heine made a crucial mistake when he appointed Magnus Freiherr von Braun (DNVP) – father of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun and later one of the supporters of the Kapp Putsch – as...

    Republicanization of the police

    The Prussian police force was not only the strongest in the Reich but also the most important instrument of the Prussian government's executive branch for maintaining constitutional order. Massive restructuring also began in the police force after the Kapp Putsch in order to ensure its loyalty to the Republic. Under the leadership of the Minister of the Interior, the republican-minded police chief Wilhelm Abegg became the decisive figure in carrying out the reform. By the end of the 1920s, al...

    High point of political stability

    Otto Braun was elected Minister President on 3 April 1925, with 216 of 430 votes. Like Marx, his base was SPD, Centre and DDP. Braun took over the majority of Marx's cabinet and looked to continuity in policy. He blamed the months-long government crisis on what he called the "German national communist bloc", by which he meant all the opposition parties from the DVP and DNVP to the various small parties, which included the NSDAP and the Communists. Braun said that "they are as incapable of bui...

    After the installation of Hitler's government on 30 January 1933, Hermann Göring became Reich Commissioner of the Interior for Prussia. In a departure from the previous arrangement, the office of Reich Commissioner itself was assumed not by the Reich Chancellor (Hitler) but by the Vice Chancellor, Franz von Papen. The replacement of politically und...

    At the end of World War II in 1945, Germany was divided into occupation zones, and all of Germany east of the Oder–Neisse line was ceded to other countries. As had been the case after World War I, almost all of the territory had been Prussian, although a small portion east of the new border had belonged to Saxony. Most of the land went to Poland, o...

  3. Russland bildet nun die Grenze zum Königreich Preußen. Preußen 1803. Auch im Westen sind durch die Auflösung von zahlreichen Kurfürstentümern, Reichsbistümern, Reichsabteien und freien Reichsstädten etliche Gebiete hinzugekommen. Diese sogenannten geistlichen Herrschaften sind nun Geschichte.

  4. Preußen war ein deutsches Land, das im Mittelalter entstand. Jahrhundertelang war es eines der mächtigsten Länder in Europa. Auch heute noch erinnern viele Denkmäler und Bauten an die Glanzzeiten Preußens: der Berliner Dom etwa und Schloss Sanssouci. Von Sabine Kaufmann.

  5. Die Verfassung des Freistaats Preußen vom 30. November 1920 regelte die Staatsorganisation, das Stimmrecht, die Rechtspflege und die Finanzen des preußischen Volkes. Sie war eine Republikanische Verfassung, die dem Deutschen Reich beitrat und die Volksabstimmung als wichtiges Instrument der Demokratie anerkannte.

  6. 4 Verfassung des Freistaats Preußen vom 30. November 1920. 5 Siehe auch. 6 Literatur. 7 Weblinks. 8 Einzelnachweise. Entstehung und Aufgaben. Die Novemberrevolution von 1918 brachte das Ende des Zweikammersystems der Monarchie.