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  1. Explore the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, from the classic Disney ride to the movies and beyond. Find articles on characters, ships, locations, books, games, and more.

  2. Pirates of the Caribbean („Piraten der Karibik“), deutsch auch Fluch der Karibik, ist eine US-amerikanische Piratenfilmreihe von Walt Disney Pictures, die auf der gleichnamigen Themenfahrt basiert.

  3. Learn about the Disney media franchise that includes theme park rides, films, novels, games and more. Find out the history, characters, plot and trivia of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

  4. Learn about the American fantasy swashbuckler film series based on Disney's theme park attraction. The series follows the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow and other characters in the Caribbean, and has grossed over $4.5 billion worldwide.

  5. Hier findest du alle Informationen zur Filmreihe, den Charakteren und vielen weiteren Medien des Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-Franchise! Dieses Wiki wurde im Jahr 2009 gegründet und erhebt den Anspruch, die umfangreichste und akkurateste deutschsprachige Enzyklopädie rund um das Thema Fluch der Karibik zu sein.

  6. › wiki › Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_WikiPirates of the Caribbean Wiki

    A fan-created encyclopedia of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, covering films, books, games, and attractions. Learn about the history, canon, and statistics of the Pirates universe from the original Pirates Wiki founders and editors.

  7. › wiki › Pirates_of_the_CaribbeanPirates of the Caribbean Wiki

    Pirates of the Caribbean is a multi-billion dollar Disney franchise encompassing several Disney Park attractions, a series of films, and spin-off novels as well as numerous video games and other publications. The franchise originated from a theme park attraction, which opened at Disneyland in...